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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. Alright, forget Roger Waters without David Gilmour. Set an extra place!
  2. Sounds like a great ride to me, Chris. Sorry you had to cut it short. That's very cool about both your moms, Dinny and Wayne. I feel like a slacker given what my parents did over the years for their various communities--as teachers, teacher mentors, political activists, church volunteers, etc., etc.--but then I remember that a lot of what they did was later in life when time became more available. It makes me feel better to think that, anyway.
  3. Sounds great but I have to go see Roger Waters perform The Wall tomorrow night and I don't think I can do both. And I think Mikey would be pissed if I took off with his tickets.
  4. The fax be on, cher.
  5. Have a great one Matt! Cheers
  6. That's funny, I made him an underpants cake. See what you can come up with combining the two, Ari... Have a great one! Cheers!
  7. Congrat on the smoker. Brisket is awesome, so why not? Ribs are pretty darn easy, though.
  8. Voltron

    The Killing

    Agree with you Jeff, but I also agree with Steve because the overall plotlines are not purely same-old same-old.
  9. Have a great and cocktail-filled birthday Shelly! Cheers!
  10. Donald Fagan -- The Nightfly
  11. Ribs are good. Dan, that meal looks fantastic!
  12. Tina Brooks -- True Blue
  13. You should bought Dull Cheddar for the plane because Sharp is too dangerous.
  14. Nice.
  15. Congrats on the Notre Dame frosh, Greg. That should be fun times.
  16. ^^this! Holy crap that went fast!
  17. Cancer sucks. Beasties ruled, and I practically wore out my Licensed to Ill record back in the day. They were great fun live, too. Rap In Peace, MCA.
  18. That is amazing Gene. I'm not sure about the sailing part, but I sure wish I was hanging with you in da islands, mon.
  19. The books are dense, and the first couple of episodes are all about introducing characters and getting the story lines rolling. It gets good fast, and I actually read all of the books in record time (for me). Give it a shot.
  20. I just was going to mention this issue, but it is already on your radar. I see on the calendar many b-days but the front page thing says zero b-days all the time. I am sure we are missing our friends' big days.
  21. See what happens when you "exercise"? Shee-it, I don't have any such problems because my most strenuous exercise is shouting at morons while I drive to/from work. Stick to mixing beautiful, beautiful cocktails, my friend. They won't leave you stranded by the side of the road...well, maybe, but you'll feel good about it.
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