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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. Sorry A-man. Hang in there.
  2. If nothing else, you gotta go to the DUMBO showroom and be blown away. Jonathan even poured several drams of good Scotch during the demo JP and I had with him. Umm...not my idea of a good day off
  3. Thanks Tom. I hope you have a great meet, and wish I could be there.
  4. I agree that they are not the most beautiful, but I have already posted the ones that I have heard and think are much more beautiful looking, which are called the AC1: Those^^ could be the best sounding speakers I have ever heard, and the room arrangement was pretty dreadful. If the InnerFidelity meet happens next year or we can be in NYC at the same time, then we should make a trip to the new Oswalds Mill Audio showroom, which is in the first two pictures above. I think you will be moved like I was.
  5. After getting kicked in the gut by another bad decision by a judge, I wanted to look at something beautiful so I decided to dream for a couple minutes about the full OMA setup with Imperia speakers. I thought I would share the moment in this disused thread. Talk about sportin' wood...
  6. I will have little or no time available, and certainly not enough to fly up to NY no matter how short the flight. If I can break off a couple hours, Chris, I will let you know.
  7. I will be in DC for a trial. So close, and yet so far... Have fun folks.
  8. Tea up a great day for yourself, Jin! Cheers!
  9. I hope you get the royal treatment on your big day! It just so happens that I sent a package your way yesterday, so consider it a late birthday present! Cheers!
  10. I hope you get to kick back and enjoy the beautiful, beautiful music today, Rob! Have a good one whatever you do. Cheers!
  11. Indeed, except in the Sunset it is the Suns
  12. HCOZ CJ&CB 2013! Head-Case OZ CanJam & Crawfish Boil!!! Looks like the warmup event was a great success. I think you'll need more than 140 lbs if the Viking can make it.
  13. Well done Beefy!
  14. It hurts so much, doesn't it Haj? I think it is worse for parents because the kids heal so fast and forget even faster.
  15. Wow, sad news. Stars are dropping like flies lately.
  16. Have a great one Chris! I hope you have a Yellow Jersey kind of day. Cheers! Al
  17. That's awesome. Who is Esme going to tribute?
  18. Nope. They make Slim Jims that look like asparagus now.
  19. Same output as Red Wine Audio when charged.
  20. Voltron


    I was on my phone when I saw the Coen Bros. set and did not even scroll up enough to check out the Hooters!
  21. I agree. Seems weak to me for the most part.
  22. I'm sure he and Joliet Jake are working on getting the band back together... RIP
  23. Voltron


    Bought one for Claire for Mothers Day. Thanks Ric!
  24. At The Wall with Mikey and Bigguy somewhere in the stands.
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