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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. Inspired by Pars: Radiohead -- King of Limbs (vinyl)
  2. Great, great show. Marnie's storyline is boring and trite for the most part, but the scene with the adventure capitalist was still funny.
  3. Jealous of the Radiohead show, Chris. Was it all that?
  4. Thanks for all the well wishes and happy birthdays to my dad. He had a great time and we saw the only win against the Rangers this weekend, so it was meant to be! He has loved baseball all of his life and instilled that love in me. It was too bad that we couldn't quite get Willie Mays to connect with my dad, even though Willie's suite was just down the hall and several of us ran into him always going the wrong direction. The second half of the 90th birthday weekend was yesterday, where various relatives and friends gathered at my dad's house. His oldest living friend from 1946 to the present was there and doing great, and lots of great stories were shared.
  5. Awesome Shelly and welcome home. Nice marathon for the plane ride. We got a suite at the Giants game to celebrate my dad's 90th birthday. It was a great success and the Giants kicked ass on the Rangers so that made it even more perfect. Oh, I forgot to mention that this is just weeks after my dad had a stroke and then was hospitalized again with blood clots up and down his legs. Nice recovery!
  6. Suckage, Mike. Skip the JH if they don't replace the earpiece.
  7. Indeed. Good selection Dan
  8. It's what I did yesterday, but Dusty and I linked up at RFD for beers last night after I had a work dinner. Good thing he's flexible with his time these days. Dusty came into town without regared for tornado warnings, flood warnings, buckets of rain, thunder and lightning, etc. We had a good time catching up and drinking some good beers.
  9. Hope you've had a great one Ben! Cheers!
  10. Buy as many as you can. They will be gone otherwise.
  11. Have a Buggy birthday! Cheers!
  12. I almost wet myself laughing during Girls on Sunday. Damn it was funny. Crack Spirit Guide is going to be my next profession.
  13. Holy crap Ric! Nice order indeed. I see a lot of platter turning in your future. MM are the best, imo, so I have no doubt you will be moved by your purchases and won't mind moving every 15 minutes one bit.
  14. Time for some head control.
  15. Brisket looks amazing Mike, and glad your ribs turned out great, Shelly. Mine were good, and got raves, but they were actually falling off the bone TOO easily for my taste. 2-2-1 in the Traeger seemed excessive for the baby backs but they weren't dry or tough in any way. Sorry I didnt take a more glamorous shot with the awesome potato salad Claire made with garlic aioli and lemon zest.
  16. Nice Shelly! Terra cotta can't take the heat! What a son! Just got some ribs on myself. Baby backs (no St Louis available) with two spicy and one Kansas City rub. I will tent them with apple juice and then put sauce on some of them for the last hour, a la Tyrion.
  17. Vicki isn't eating one of those, is she?!
  18. Great day off Grahame! Big ups to parental leave in Cali! Enjoy it, Ric. Maybe Esmé can help set up the Tower of Power to pass some of the awesome down time.
  19. [media=]
  20. Indeed. Thanks for sharing.
  21. How did you get a picture of my car?
  22. Nice imagery, Dusty old man. Oswald's Mill is actually located in an old mill, so they try to keep the aesthetic going even in Manhattan.
  23. Now, I should have pointed out that OMA has as horn setup for any size room or any decor: But seriously, these are more manageable from a size and cost perspective. When I heard them they were not being driven by the right equipment and they were strident -- which the owner of OMA recognized fully -- but JP has heard them with more flea-watt type setups and said they were spectacular. I believe him (in this case). What I really want to see is the Imperia with black or brushed steel frame and that gorgeous walnut. THAT WOULD RULE!
  24. Holy biscuit, it's the Hillbilly Mexican's birthday! Have a biscuit- and booze-filled day, Brent. Cheers!
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