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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. Beautiful table, Ric. Hope she loves it.
  2. Voltron


  3. It's nice to know you are still listening to the same stuff. Mostly, it's nice to have you posting again.
  4. I agree on the repair issue because the Air is in the same boat and I just get Apple Care and don't sweat it. I also agree that unless you need major power, which I assume you do not, or plan to watch a lot of movies on the lappy, then the Air is the way to go. I do not agree, however, that an iPad replaces a laptop for mobile use. Too limited and if you need to type then you are stuck carrying a keyboard.
  5. Have a great birthday David! Maybe you should slip a little booze into your green drink to celebrate. Cheers!
  6. Wow, that's a whole lotta live shows on vinyl. Have a you heard any yet?
  7. Voltron


    I am also a Bitters, Old Man.
  8. They were so much more disciplined about taking listening notes back then!
  9. I thought you would, although I expected to be chided for not sticking with my initial instinct in the first pic.
  10. OK, this was yesterday, but my Father's Day got off to a good start with the king of cured meats. Actually, I wasn't such a bacon hog and made a proper sourdough waffle BLT and it was awesome. A little bacon on the side, of course. but more restrained and refined.
  11. Happy [belated] father's day Head-Case. I posted this in the "listening through" thread yesterday instead of "listening to".
  12. Scooter as in scooter? Watch out Manhattan!
  13. Yay for Mr. & Mrs. Monkey! Bliss is a nice thing.
  14. Just wait for the Air with retina display. Can't be far away...
  15. Tell them if they don't make up that .0005 you're going to refuse the lot!
  16. I thought this same thing, Todd. My dad's 90th at the ballpark, and then Alden and I catching history a few days later. We called my dad immediately and he was so thrilled that we were there. And Dinny, it is funny that you should say that. Alden is totally pumped for camp next week but he actually said that is sure he will remember that perfect game with me long after he has forgotten about camp. Smart kid. I also keep meaning to congrat Shelly on her brush with greatness. You should get drinks with Berkman next time you see him. He should have a few good stories to share.
  17. 22nd perfect game in baseball history. 1st ever Giants perfect game in 128 year franchise history. Incredible plays in the field to keep it going were really inspiring and clearly spurred Cain on. That was simply incredible.
  18. My son and I just witnessed perfection. Matt Cain threw a perfect game with 14 strikeouts. Giants win10-0. Woo hoo!
  19. Twice. :/
  20. I was really just curious because it would make sense aesthetically.
  21. Audio Note calls them black teflon: Along with all this, our latest version of the Interstage MonoBlocks includes a stunning new set of solid copper Insert Plates and black Teflon valve bases now standard with both our single and parallel configurations!
  22. Is there a reason why you don't make the jacks in black teflon given that the chassis is most often black?
  23. You should use stunt booze for that. It would be a shame to spill any Willett.
  24. Congrat Chris! I like voting.
  25. Hope you each have a great birthday in your respective corners of the world! Cheers!
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