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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. Crappy birthday to you Crappy birthday to you Crappy birthday dear Crappy, Crappy birthday to you! Cheers
  2. I hope you are going to tear up the note on her laptop.
  3. I gotta say that they look like knock-offs and you might want to consider whether writing them up is a good idea...
  4. I am not reading this, but the author was a law school classmate of mine and I thought the title and cover were humorous in the HC context.
  5. Shelly, I am pretty sure that JP hit a bunch of beer joints in Portland a couple years ago. PM him if he doesn't pipe up here.
  6. Diddy made you a cake, and shit. Have a great one, Justin. Cheers!
  7. Have a great one Scott! Cheers!
  8. Grahame's already hanging with the NYC crowd! Nice.
  9. Numerous weeknights at Fort Mason and Saturday night in Hayes Valley...are those too far for you?
  10. Loosen up Haj! Way to drink up, Adrian!
  11. http://offthegridsf.com/markets
  12. I go through spurts where I read but mostly I just don't have the time or strength and I don't like reading when I am exhausted. It just puts me to sleep. I did the GoT marathon in between my last trial and the Samsung Saga. It takes away from the show somewhat because you know what's coming, or supposed to be coming, and there were so many changes this season that it was kind of annoying and disappointing.
  13. Wow, that looks tasty Grahame. I'm sure some former VCs were cooking or serving your brunch. Bucks has a three-VC minimum at all times.
  14. Quite uncharacteristically, I plowed through all five GoT books, although the first three are the ones I liked much more than the last two.
  15. R.I.P. Shelly. You'll be missed.
  16. Decided to reclaim the porch from the wisteria that was cut back to nubs in the fall.
  17. Carbo loading. That's how they prepare for the Tour de France.
  18. Are my eyes deceiving me, or did Thrice just post three times in this thread??? Hello Stephen! EDIT: I guess Dusty noticed yesterday, but I wasn't attuned. Welcome back.
  19. I guess his famous original doo was just an elaborate comb-over to hide his fivehead. Thanks Stretch. Now, who owes me a drink?
  20. Congrat to Peter! Plenty of time for you to drink before his next event.
  21. I noticed that! Thanks.
  22. The 2012 look of Flock of Seagulls guy is going to haunt me for some time to come. It was better when he covered his face with the hair rather than the windblown Fabio look.
  23. We have used the 2001 image, among others, in our arguments that the iPad isn't a novel design. I'll have to see if we can work Picard into our papers too.
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