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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. JP Does NYC!
  2. That's awesome, JP. I hope Jacob's wedding is similarly amazing and wonderful. Cheers and a mega congrat Jacob!
  3. Have a great one Pete! Cheers!
  4. Voltron

    IPA Day

    DIPA counts double. Duh.
  5. Bummer Steve.
  6. What he said! Cheers!
  7. That is cool, Dinny. My guy couldn't be bothered, and it bums me out sometimes. He has other redeeming qualities, but baseball ain't one of them.
  8. That's cozy alright.
  9. Cheers to Mikey's pop, may he rest in peace.
  10. I figured it was grandkids, Al. So sorry and I know what you mean about not wanting to hear what angry couples can come up with to hurt each other. Hang in there.
  11. This is just weird.
  12. Have a great one Steve! Cheers
  13. I hope you have been having a wonderful birthday, Antonio! Cheers!
  14. I am out of it. New company?
  15. That was a douche move. (don't take it seriously)
  16. Nick Cage Voltron Assemble!
  17. ^What she said. Take two Vespers and call me in the morning.
  18. My prediction of what else you'll be starting today:
  19. We got my college-bound niece the 13" MBA with an external Superdrive to ameliorate the lack of internal drive. I need to dig up that cool memory slot adapter that Ric posted but it will be awhile before she will have to worry about that. She says she can hardly put the thing down and was so incredibly cute about the gift from all her aunts & uncles and grandpa. Thanks for the input on this choice.
  20. I don't know shit, but good luck Justin!
  21. Hadn't seen that Dusty, but I hope your kitteh improves.
  22. Oh, the endless joy of home ownership. Sorry that things are turning for the worse not better, Shelly. Maybe a few more days in a hotel are in order. :/
  23. Right on Jim! Stick it to the Corporate Cunts! And by the way, that will be $99.99 for use of CUNTS®. PayPal accepted.
  24. ^This. Except I would have said Fuck.
  25. And maybe check the date of threads you are reading before posting to avoid necro-posting -- if you are ever allowed to post here again, that is.
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