Feeling lucky not to have beer allergies or ulcers, and hoping everyone else is feeling better. Being in Mayberry gor the first time in about two months and having cocktails are elevating my mood and feeling of well being.
I wasn't aware of the thread, but I just had a little toasted sourdough with pepper jack. Earlier, I had some Basque Sheep's cheese, which was moar Basquer and moar better.
Courtesy of the Galaxy Note 2, some artsy shots from the weekend:
JP and Chairman Raffy
The Ginger Avenger and Biscuit Boy at rest
Mike gets disgusted by Raffy's indecisiveness.
New guy popped by.
Colin and his nerd phone, er, I mean awesome Android phone.
Brent and his homeboy, Strat.
Nothing at all wrong with his choice, just expected an Anglophile selection. His shelves have largely American beers on them, which means he must have to charge beaucoup quid. Sorry, Shelly. I can get you some Bruery selections whenever you like, so let me know what you are wanting.