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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. Voltron

    Audeze LCD-2

    I just threw up in my mouth.
  2. Jerry is the named inventor and Dan's hypothetical description would admit inequitable conduct before the Patent & Trademark Office, so I don't think he will go that route. Here is the patent: http://appft1.uspto....060193479.PGNR. Here is the abstract describing it: A headset with an active crossover network is provided. The headset is coupled to an audio source using either a wired connection or a wireless connection. The active crossover network, utilizing either analog or digital filtering, divides each channel of the incoming audio signal from the audio source into multiple frequency regions sufficient for the number of drivers contained within each in-ear monitor of the headset. The output from the network's filters is amplified using either single channel or multi-channel amplifies. Preferably, gain control circuitry is used to control the gain of the amplifier(s) and thus the volume produced by the drivers. More preferably, the gain of the gain control circuitry is adjustable. The headset includes a power source that is coupled to the amplifier(s) and, if necessary, the network's filters. The power source can be included within some portion of the headset or included within the wireless interface. Alternately, an external power source can be used, for example one associated with the audio source.
  3. Congrat on the refi and night out, Nate! I hope dinner came with some nicely crafted adult beverages.
  4. She already approved the new speakers for elsewhere in Mayberry but I haven't bought them yet, so they are still undisclosed on HC.
  5. I think I am listening to you--I clicked the little player in the upper right corner. Thanks for the heads up.
  6. Awesome ad. My favorite part -- other than everything -- is the announcer's tone change between the creepy Varilek parts and the friendly, homey Noem parts. Very weird. My friend's daughter is in this somewhat odd Obama-supporting ad in which kids of the future sing a song blaming their parents for everything going wrong because Romney and Ryan won the election. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwlW4lx6TTo
  7. When I had a TacT preamp serviced once in the past, they sent it back to me with the digital audio output enabled without telling me even though it was disabled when I sent it to them. When I hooked it up to my McCormack DNA-500, it caused a massively horrible sound out of my Gallo 3.0s as soon as I hit play on the CDP. I turned it off quickly, but when I looked at the Gallos the tweeters had holes burned right through them. Turns out that enabling the digital output for some reason also set the analog preamp out at full line out so all 500 watts were surged into the speaker. Fun times.
  8. So I shouldn't worry that if I attach the output directly to a power amp the speakers will be fried?
  9. You're living in the past, Dusty. They couldn't pull that off, so the cross-over is in the IEM.
  10. No, I still have a Reference Center (I think) and three Due speakers from back in the day when I had the Gallo 3s. My plan is to use the Center and two Dues or just three Dues if I somehow managed to sell the Center after I got the Stradas in SF.
  11. Thanks Jim, that settles it. I signed up for notification the other day and I will get one as soon as it is available. This resolves my Mayberry family room dilemma without getting a new pre/pro or using an outdated one. I already have the 5-channel McCormack amp, so I will plug the Comcast output into the Oppo and use it to select source and control volume to the amp. Should be sweet and the headphone output will be nice for games or late night TV. Good timing given that I am about to mount the TV and Gallo speakers finally.
  12. I do not need analog inputs but I still see nothing on the Oppo page about volume control or preamp anything.
  13. Have a great one Beefy! Cheers
  14. Is that Duggeh's brewery?
  15. I like some Camille albums but that video convinces me that I was detest her live. Thank you for this enlightening link.
  16. Get some real shoes, hippie!
  17. Voltron

    Audeze LCD-2

    So, you want to hear more of the artificial "soundstage" of electronic music soundtracks? I suggest Astral Hangers from http://www.coconut-a....com/index.html
  18. Thanks team, but I went ahead and ordered from Amazon with the least amount of shipping cost I could but still more than I wished. Oh well, the kid needs spoiling every once in awhile.
  19. Sorry to hear that Ken. I'm sure your kitteh has had a great life with you, and it is always hard to let go. I guess I have to agree that the momentum seems to be lost on this event, and I am sad to lose Shelly as well. Not sure if Marc is focused on the thread, but I will PM him and maybe give him a call.
  20. Yesterday: Titus Andronicus Today:
  21. That was my assumption. Undermining his "authority" or at least perception at work seems like a high price if that is all it is.
  22. How do we know it has preamp capabilities, i.e., volume control? I will buy the 105 if I can plug the cable box into it and have the multichannel audio output go directly to a multichannel amp without a pre/pro in the middle.
  23. ^That is weak. Why would he do that (the show and telling people about the show)?
  24. The boy wants to be Dr. Horrible for Halloween and of course waited until now to figure out the costume. The "Howie" lab coat below is the preferred style, although buttons would be even better than snaps apparently, but to get it in time will be over $100 of shipping. Any of you scientific type 'Casers have access to such a coat that you could FedEx to me? Willing to pay but thinking that $100+ for shipping is a bit much. Let me know if you can help. Thanks.
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