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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. Have one great day each! Cheers
  2. Safe trip home Nate! Good luck Jacob, glad to hear you weren't hung up too much. Send them back the crappy cable so they can see their shoddy work, Shelly.
  3. It is clear this upset you and I don't think people here would fault you for showing emotion. The idea of arming teachers, however, is repugnant. My wife is a teacher. My parents were both teachers. I have many other family members who are teachers and professors. Thinking of them carrying weapons to do their jobs is just too ludicrous to imagine.
  4. Sorry Crappy, I just scrolled down too fast in my revulsion to HPA's post and over this hideous incident in the first place. Anyway, it was not meant as an attack but just disagreement with throwing up ones hands about the efficacy of gun control. My feeling is simply that it must be part of any solution to this mess. The Expanding Man's post has some empirical evidence of success and some steps that could be taken. I especially like the idea of secure gun clubs/shooting ranges where you can shoot your machine gun but then lock the damn thing back up. Eventually the numbers of guns will diminish and the attitude about them in society will change.
  5. Why stop with teachers? Why not arm the kids themselves? Arm the mall workers. Arm the popcorn salespeople at movie theaters. Arm fucking everyone! It worked so great for nuclear weapons we should just have Mutual Assured Destruction in all aspects of our lives. If everybody is armed, then nobody will fuck with anybody, right? And Catscratch, gun control IS the answer. There is no excuse or reason for anyone to own assault weapons. Except Naaman or Jeff, because they need to kill people sometimes. *Edited to respond to the right person.
  6. Good work guys! Have fun and have a great trip, Raffy.
  7. The whole university is purple?
  8. Best of luck to the Power Wife!
  9. Mike Sr. is a man of action! Nice.
  10. Greg, do you have the JFA watch winder?
  11. Raga In Peace Ravi.
  12. Big City Lawyer? Are you calling me fat?!
  13. Thanks for all the nice congrats and comments, folks. I think you got the gist, but this was not just a normal acceptance and one of many. She applied early decision to Vassar so when they said Yes she had to say Yes -- was dying to say Yes -- so she will definitely be attending Dinny's alma mater. In fact, we paid a deposit of some sort yesterday to seal the deal! She has worked so hard and so consistently that she truly deserved to get her first choice. The nice side benefit is that I will have all the more reason to visit NY for the next few years so I hope to see more of the Northeast HC crew. Sorry sorry about the puking, Haj, and hope it was just some bad clams or something that will pass quickly.
  14. City Lawyer / Country Lawyer pairing is so sweet! I also like our newest member being paired with the founding father. Nice symmetry.
  15. Miller Time, Vassar style!
  16. Found out that my little girl got into Vassar College. Very proud papa right now. Of course it didn't hurt that she said her dad was friends with famous alum, The Monkey.
  17. I wonder if I can post from None Moar Black... EDIT: Apparently so.
  18. That looks awesome, John. Hungry now.
  19. Junip -- Fields
  20. Have a great one Todd! Cheers!
  21. Best that ever will be. Hey, lunch ladies . . .
  22. This is so true, Steve.
  23. My home town hero is gone! RIP Mr. Brubeck! I just went to his concert last year and he was still great. Not as great, but still great.
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