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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. The syncing parts are working fine -- and they did before as well -- but interacting with the damn thing is a mystery to me. I used to know how to go online and see my .Mac email and stored photos, find my phone, and shit, and now I cannot navigate any of it easily. I haven't spent much time trying to figure it out, but I still think it is clunky.
  2. I had been carrying around that weird guitar box full of Kevin's whisk(e)y for hours in addition to whatever number of beers and other random stuff I had that night. And I know my lack of memory cannot be trusted.
  3. Like the way it was consumed. 50% by me and 50% by everyone else.
  4. The original red vodka at Chicago CanJam was not Crystal Head. It was either Stoli or Absolut, I think. For MOA II, I bought a bottle and added some red food coloring as a joke. I don't think it tasted all that good when I drank it (sans coloring) and its rep is not strong iirc.
  5. I have heard it is a pain and doesn't always work,* but it seems like a great idea. See Dinny's repeated comments that Apple doesn't really get the Internet yet.
  6. Definitely try to watch the previous seasons because those first two shows were funny but not the best by far. I have one more episode to finish re-watching Game of Thrones S2. It was not as good as the first season but I am ready for the next one to begin because some good shit happens at the end of the second book.
  7. You don't need to say anymore than that, Dusty. Losing pets sucks. Having caring friends doesn't. As for me, I got hosed by a federal governmental entity today but will work around their cavalier schedule-changing. I got to have lunch with my law partner with whom I have worked since my second year of law school who moved to D.C. for a year to work in our office there. Then, I went to see Mark Ribot and David Hidalgo with a 4-piece band play an amazing 2.5 hours of "border music" that was rockin' and raucus. To top it off, Claire and I got to go backstage and meet those guys, which was awesome. Between us, we have seen Los Lobos around 20 times so meeting David Hidalgo was pretty huge. He was as cool and gracious and down to earth as you would imagine. He even remembered a show we saw with them and the Blasters where it was way hot in the club and people were passing out and Dave Alvin threw up. I highly reccomend checking out Border Music if you can make it to the L2 Arts Center in Denver tomorrow night, or the Flynn Center in Burlington Vermont on January 26!
  8. I think I could tell a potato vodka from a grain vodka, and I think I could identify Absolute just because it is so creamy and silky even though it has no taste at all. Mostly, I agree that the better stuff just makes for a clearer head the next day.
  9. Thanks for checking it out, Ken!
  10. I would think I could tell something lousy from a good one but I'm not terribly surprised
  11. Agreed. I meant to say something like this earlier but apparently failed.
  12. Good pickup, Ken. We have All-Clad stainless and a large non-stick griddle pan but usually do not buy All-Clad non-stick fry pans because this type of pan always wears out relatively quickly. I need some non-stick stuff myself and when I went to look for your combo, I also found the Emeril by All-Clad set on Amazon, 8" and 12" on sale for $39.99. It is hard anodized aluminum like the B3 and has the same All-Clad handle even though it says Emeril on it. Anyone know if this Emeril stuff is crappy or otherwise any different than the set Ken got from BB&B?
  13. That's the shit, right there.
  14. Ha! Plus, it probably had putrid shark meat floating around in it.
  15. Not earth-shattering, but new and up to date plasmas make me happy. http://www.techradar.com/news/television/panasonic-shows-off-new-flagship-plasmas-1123233 What does my client have in store for TVs? http://www.techradar.com/news/television/samsung-to-unveil-unprecedented-tv-design-at-ces-2013-1121952
  16. Hang in there Dusty.
  17. Me too, oddly enough. Haven't watched previously but for a few minutes.
  18. Fly safe Raffy!
  19. I am not getting the results I wanted from the Oppo 105 as pre/amp with my old McCormack DNA-HT5 amp. I remembered Jim loving this Marantz, but forgot it was a pre/pro and not a receiver with amp. Has anyone tried the AV Receiver versions from Marantz? SR7007, SR6007, SR5007 or NR1403? I only need 5.1 (3.1 really) and it doesn't have to have massive power. Any thoughts on these or other options?
  20. Barry Diament remaster CD of Bob Marley and the Wailers' Natty Dread. Yummy on the BHse/O2
  21. Very nice Jeff!
  22. Good news Carl! Revenge is sweet.
  23. Beautiful records!
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