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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. Happy 80th G-Mum!
  2. Have a great one Al! Cheers from another Al!
  3. Happy birthday to the lord of the very short dance! Have a great one Colin. Cheers!
  4. Happy Wood Dr. Birthday! Cheers!
  5. Happy BBQ birthday Edbot! Cheers!
  6. Bummer he will miss the 50th anniversary hoopla. RIP WWB
  7. I am far behind on coming up with a solution for my house as well, Jim. I was foolishly hopeful for some kind of SSD Thunderbolt array after they showed off TB with that type of prototype 2 years ago. I am at the point where I may hire someone to set something up that is workable and will work for my family, or at least bribe Grahame with bacon and Diet Coke so he can help me do it myself. Please post your progress and I am going to check out this Synology stuff.
  8. Toasting Stephen and my son Alden who is 15 today with one of Stephen's NC brews. Tasty stuff. Cheers boys!
  9. Too bad they skimped on the cheese.
  10. Have a great one, Stephen, and enjoy your cake with some beer! Cheers!
  11. Sorry, Shelly, you have already determined that nobody passes through Houston. :/ Glad you had a great meal though!
  12. I'm not even into bike porn but those are hot! Congrat Jeff.
  13. How could you pass up Paraguyan Harp and 25 Polka Greats?! Steely but soulless British resolve, I guess.
  14. Happy birthday Jeff, and best of luck fleeing Pennsylvania.
  15. Voltron

    House of Cards

    Watched it long ago.
  16. Naters gonna Nate.
  17. Voltron

    House of Cards

    I got in the first two last night even though I was beat so that I could catch up with Claire. Also enjoying so far, and liked the second ep better.
  18. Voltron

    House of Cards

    On the second episode and hoping I can get used to lady macbeth's weird neck.
  19. Yay Emily!
  20. Yay, they can put off joining the real world for another year or two! But seriously, congrat for what I am sure was a lot of hard work on your part to get your student hooked up!
  21. You deserve it Lloyd. Don't sweat it Shelly. It won't ruin the sound and it probably isn't a big deal cosmetically anyway. Enjoy the beautiful beautiful music.
  22. And now with moar pork!
  23. Nice Mike and Mike! Having a little pigskin in honor of the Niners.
  24. Congrats Lloyd and Becky on 39 years of marital bliss! You guys rock!
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