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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. Message forwarded, Todd
  2. I have gotten several of these in the last 24 hours. Has anybody else been getting them? Todd, do you have something to tell me?
  3. Reading about audio gear and listening to music on the OMA Minis is pretty fun too.
  4. HBD Mr. DIYer! Cheers!
  5. Sting says yes!
  6. Listening on the EMM stack > EC BA > Millett Unnecessarily Complex 300B > OMA Minis. Weird crackle in one channel mysteriously gone today after two hours playing. This selection is making me love my speakers.
  7. Good news Shelly!
  8. Is that your other family, Mike?
  9. Holy shit, that is way too close Steve, but glad it stopped short!
  10. Are you a Papist without a Pope, Grahame? Sorry about the illness, Jeffy. Been a terrible year for stomach and chest flus.
  11. Recorded that for Claire. Watching the third Parade's End. No mentions here yet?
  12. He's even better live.
  13. I've listened many times and love it every time. I wanted to about an hour ago but I have two of Brahem albums and not that one. Decided to play something else even though the others are good too. This is what I played instead
  14. very pretty
  15. I have never liked the sound of the Benchmark DAC1 and yet Ric is right that I was also impressed the DAC2 HGC. Very good sound and handles a lot of formats and inputs. No SD or USB stick input directly, but maybe some external device can allow such connections to the USB input? The seriously impressive sounding device was the Playback Designs MPD-5. The MPS-5 version also has a CD/SACD player that would be super sweet, but not smaller or lighter than your Sony monster. What is Dinny's DAC?
  16. I can't imagine mixing and scratching would do a TT any good for audiophile listening. I wouldn't buy one and expect it to sound any good or hold speed well.
  17. Have a great one Naaman! I may have to pick up some OE800 to toast you properly. Cheers!
  18. John Zorn O'o
  19. Good news Vicki! Hope the PT does the trick!
  20. Congrats to Rodriguez and Searching for Sugar Man for winning best documentary feature. Cool stuff.
  21. Was the back rub as good as the food, Jeff?
  22. RIP Heidi the cat. Sorry Knucks
  23. Danny be grawk! Biscuit Boy was right! Have a good one, whoever you are! Cheers!
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