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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. Sorry to hear that Mike. Feel better soon!
  2. Mmm, real Reuben goodness.
  3. Don't worry Vicki, Fitz missed it too!
  4. Voltron


    Quadrophenia Director's Cut Box Set at PopMarket, $90 shipped. Click the pic.
  5. Glad you noticed this time, Steve. It was just two feet from you the last time you were in Mayberry.
  6. Right, like we're supposed to believe you have never seen -- or used -- one of these, Steve?!
  7. Mmm, bread cheese.
  8. Serves them right for posting their stupid "beauty shots" or their stupid amp in our DIY forum. Cunty douche move.
  9. That show is really maturing well and different from my expectations.
  10. Happy Birthday Fitz! Have some fun and drinks and things. Cheers!
  11. I didn't think anyone else even remembered that show.
  12. Wat?!
  13. Hey! I need those!
  14. I hope you mean that you got that cunt out of our system, Dan.
  15. Playing 44.1 on the PD is like an old lady driving to church at 10 MPH in a Ferrari. Maybe the other room will at least play some SACDs or else stream some DSD. Anyway, I was just curious. Really would like to hear the new smaller TADs. Love their big brothers. The fire alarm is pretty hilarious but I hope it doesn't slow you guys down too much.
  16. Purity Audio has a Playback Designs MPS-5 -- no love? The Quintessence room also has one: Quintessence Audio will be exhibiting our MPS-5 SACD / CD Player in the Mr. Lincoln room on the main floor. On the 9th floor, in room 926, Purity Audio Design will be using the MPS-5 SACD / CD Player as their source.
  17. Needs Moar Toobz!
  18. Nice pics Bonnie and jealous of the chicken n waffles and specialty waffles too!
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