And the DAC only PD MPD-3 is $6500. I'm not exactly sure what the internal difference is between the higher and lower models, but the 3 series does not have the outboard USBX transport. Still, the 3 series each play 24/385 PCM and 6.1 (double) DSD files over USB.
This whole day was so surreal and hit close to a former home. I lived in Watertown for two years during law school and one of my former roommates spent the day locked in his home waiting for this shit show to end. Proud of the Watertowm folk who hung in there, especially the homeowner who figured out that Fuckface #2 was in his boat. Brave shit.
The Mytek sounded better than the TEAC to me at the DAC shoot out at Blue Coast Studios. The TEAC was not bad, but not as good as the competition.
The Oppo 105 now handles DSD streaming so that should be on the list.
MOA4 Napa Style is good by me. We'd all have to work the phones and Open Table 2 months prior in order to get some of us into FL. I'm down, given that Jacob has not yet dominated the culinary world.