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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. I have to look more, but I cannot locate my JH13s or TTVJ Slim amp. I didn't even think to pack Them for my last trip but looked hard this time and racked my brain for when i used them last. JP's immediate response was that it is a damn good excuse to get some new freq phased JH goodness. The process and gamble are unappealing but I will do it if they are truly lost.
  2. Have fun JP, Carl and Seed Lady!
  3. Holy shitsnacks! (whatever that means). It is beautiful indeed.
  4. Happy birthday Captain Underwear! Cheers!
  5. Wow. I hope the Playback Designs can go to 11.
  6. Welcome tjkurita! I remember that amp well. Glad you're still rocking it and that you found your way over here. I am an hd800 fan but your impressions are also not askew. Give them more time and maybe some techy guy around here can talk about how they would match up with your amp.
  7. Well, at least the Jodi Arias jury wasn't swayed by her nonsense excuses. I hope they don't give her the death penalty and she rots for a long, long time.
  8. Yeah, that was a good one, Ric. After watching it, I sent the whole speech to Claire for inspiration to write her HS commencement address.
  9. That's great news! It's like a Christmas miracle after seeing that footage.
  10. And all it hopes to achieve is to add your eyelids to its top hat!
  11. Beautiful cake! Very hungry all of the sudden...
  12. Shelly, Saint Germaine is completely safe and your hotel looks chic and swanky. You can walk far and wide from that place without ever coming to a sketchy neighborhood. Taking the metro will be a cinch from a block away on Boulevard Saint-Germaine or Rue Monge. I will get Claire's Paris guide tips to Bryan, Colin and Shelly soon.
  13. Excellent choice in Grayson's honor!
  14. You were wishing you had some whisky choices matching your advanced age, so here are some to dream about [and may find in Mikey's garage the next time you are out this way]. One from your birth year, and one that was matured as long as you have been Nom Nom Nom. Have a great one and go find some old whisky! Cheers!
  15. What a killer band on the OJC record!
  16. Claire and I saw her a couple years ago and she was great. Have fun!
  17. Oh shit, now I understand the monetization thing. I had seen a link to a Robbie the Robot on eBay in Jacob's post about a giant space robot and didn't understand it.
  18. Rest in Stop-Motion Peace, Ray.
  19. Why does Brent's beer have poop in it?
  20. Good luck, and hang in there, Jacob. (((((hugs)))))
  21. Have a great one Purk! Cheers!
  22. Mmm, syrup. I agree on the 800s, although I usually listen to them with the Jaben prototype Crystal Cable so it is not completely stock.
  23. You must be a saint for putting up with Brent for so long, let alone the rest of the crew. You might want to wish Purk an early happy birthday -- his is tomorrow where the weekend birthday biscuit boy's big day isn't until the 23rd!
  24. Keep up the great work, Al!
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