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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. We got you a cake but they screwed up the name! Dammit! I hope you have a great birthday anyway Chris! Cheers!
  2. Funny, I saw it in a theater last weekend with two other people besides us. Oh, and nice work, Acidbasement! And vultures are everywhere out near Mayberry. Even the ones with actual feathers.
  3. Thanks Steve this is cool!
  4. Let's see it on your wrist, Tall Man!
  5. Hawks are on fire!
  6. He's a douche. Do you think placing the laptop on a subwoofer could have any impact? When I heard the new DAC2, it was all out of a laptop through USB and it was brilliant. Disregard entirely.
  7. Voltron

    The Killing

    Nope. New case starts with this season. I'd go back and watch the other two but not needed for the opener.
  8. Ever since Dan declared for the Senators, they are losing. Coincidence?
  9. Weird
  10. Is it good? I love that stuff too!
  11. Going to bed early too. G'nite Dan, and sorry about the Caps. Early congrats to Dinny, however!
  12. Wow again! That was intense!
  13. Wow! Boston vines from nowhere! Go Bruins!
  14. Bummer Ric. Too bad there is not a self-destruct option to it would blow up in the pocket of the loser who picked it up.
  15. Sorry we missed it Justin, but hope you had a great one. Cheers!
  16. Rangers are up. Dinny and Li'l Monkey should be happy but still nervous.
  17. The minor league Astros got spanked. Ouch
  18. We're under the overhang so you will never see us. The players wives sit up here and the view is great just in the third base side behind home plate at the back of the first section. We're on the very first instant replay review I have ever seen in baseball for fan interference. Wacky
  19. I will PM soon, John. And don't worry too much about OT discussion here.
  20. Indeed! ;-)
  21. Ren & Stimpy burger ftmfw. !!1!!!
  22. Mothers Day at the ballpark today with daughter and goddaughter/niece. Came early to get the mothers day charm necklace then went to brunch at The Ramp nearby. Mimosas and Madras cocktails with great food. Now at the game and have seen two Giants homers and a 3-0 lead. Good times even missing one child.
  23. ^same here. Plus, you can never tell if it's his real birthday anymore.
  24. Promise him beer at the end and he'll do most anything.
  25. While Reks has it right for the most part, I would have to add that the DCC2 is limited by its age. I have used mine for many years also, but recently replaced it with the Playback Designs MPS-5 that handles computer input, higher res PCM and of course DSD. PD was founded by a couple of former EMM Labs guys, and the sound is similar but better, imo. Check it out, John. I am going to off-load my EMM labs combo and will probably replace my Amarra 4 DAC in my other system with a PD also, but maybe the DAC without the SACD player. Note, that if you opt for the DAC only you can later upgrade to add the player, so there is some flexibility.
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