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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. We're hanging out at Other Half and have seats and more room for more people. Who's coming over?
  2. For those who don't recognize our friend.
  3. It happened!
  4. We're going to get more beer at another Other Half. This one is a couple of blocks away across from Rockefeller Center https://otherhalfbrewing.com/location/rockefeller-center/
  5. Allegedly we will get some monkey time this evening
  6. Soon, we're heading to get some lunch at a restaurant JP picked because it sounds like a porn name. JP, Adrian, Marc a d I are heading out shortly if anyone wants to join. Silky Kitchen https://maps.app.goo.gl/Q6FSBpAosuAwFA4CA?g_st=ic
  7. Your commute from upstairs is a little shorter than his from bumfuck Long Island. I'll be there around 11am.
  8. Are you coming back from Greece? I thought you lived here. 😁
  9. We're still at Finback but is anyone coming out to join us in Brooklyn? Not sure what dinner or other plans might be...
  10. Who knows where we're going to be?!
  11. By 4:00pm we will be departing from Other Half and heading to Finback Brooklyn on President street
  12. We're at Other Half for those keeping score at home.
  13. Let's just meet at Court Street Grocers at 12:30. We can either take the sandwiches to Other Half or we can find a spot nearby to nosh.
  14. I am planning to meet JP at noon in Brooklyn but we can push back lunch at CSG until 12:30 or 1:00pm if that works for Adrian and others. We can get coffee or whatnot. Peter, what time is going to work for you and Michelle?
  15. Have a good one Dan! Cheers!
  16. Where's the banana? 🥺
  17. Plans for Friday in Brooklyn are pretty loose so far. @jp11801 and I are planning to meet at Court Street Grocers for lunch around noon. If others can join but need the time to shift a little, then we can adjust. After lunch and maybe some walking to aid digestion, we will make our way to Other Half Brewing, which is nearby. At some point, we will make the 20 minute walk to Finback Brewery. I don't remember it being that far the last time I walked between the two, but so says Google. Again, if we know when people are free, we can set some times. OK, so who is up for some or all of this afternoon / evening in Brooklyn? Claire will be joining for at least some of the time and my daughter Sophie will be meeting up with us after work (whatever that means these days). Any particular time constraints that we can try to work around? Speak up so we can plan something. I'm hoping that @spritzer @justin @Kerry @Emooze@The Monkey@luvdunhill @bozebuttons @Iron_Dreamer and anyone else in the area will consider hanging out Friday or at least Saturday beyond just the meet itself. Anyone hear from @nikongod these days? @shellylh gets in Saturday and I'm sure she will be up for fun times. See you soon.
  18. Have a rockin' good time today Al! Cheers!
  19. RIP Belz 🙁
  20. Have a great day Colin! Cheers!
  21. Looks beautiful.
  22. Even more discounts and early bird specials await! Cheers!
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