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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. The Berkeley Alpha weighs minus 9 pounds? Yeah, what is the catch?
  2. Praise be to Midas. Have fun after the fix Jim.
  3. Sorry Mike. I bet they will get their shit together and bring it on Wednesday.
  4. BRUINS 2, Hawks 0 Happy now?
  5. BRUINS 1, Hawks 0
  6. That is funny because I was laughing in my office while listening to him sing. To quote my man Gene: "Suck it Hawks!"
  7. Not right now, but this morning. Prepared by my tired and somewhat surly almost 18-year-old daughter. Delicious! Oh, and Claire made me some coffee in my Vassar Dad mug, which costs a fuck ton of money...
  8. Had a pretty nice Father's Day all around. Hope all the other Head Case fathers had a good day, and that 'Casers who still have their fathers got to be with them if they wanted to be with them. I feel exceptionally lucky to have spent part of my day celebrating with my 91 year old dad, but I was also thinking about those among us who have lost their dads. I hope you thought some fond thoughts and maybe shared some memories. Cheers all.
  9. In my college dorm we used to add beer and call it shit, shower, shave and suds. Good luck with your respective shitters Mikey and Jacob.
  10. WooHoo! Ran from the desk chair after hearing the goal. :/
  11. Very jealous, Reks. That looks awesome.
  12. They need to step it up, though, Gene. It is surprising given the whipping they gave the Pens, but you gotta give the Hawks credit for hanging in there in Game 1 and spring-boarding from that heartbreaking win into a nice start tonight. And while I typed that THE BRUINS SCORE!!! I was about to type the following: But I am with you, Gene, the Bruins are going to step up and take this one.
  13. Paused hockey long enough to post (and drink): GO BRUINS!!
  14. You wonks can say that the tubes shouldn't matter in the BHSE, but my experience is that they do matter in the BHSE. I started with the stock new production Mullard EL34s (I think that they were Mullard), and was not in love with the sound because that is how I always heard the amp. Then I bought some NOS xf2 Mullards and I have since loved my amp. Voodoo, mind games, placebo, whatever. I am not an exotic tube nut but this combo works for me (and others).
  15. I'm not a fan of Donald North Audio stuff -- nice guy but nothing special imho and a lot of money for what you get. Doug's ECP amps, a TTVJ/Apex Peak, a Zana Deux or a Luxman P-1 are all amps that I think can match well with the HD800. I would think the Dac1 combined with the Squarewave is likely too much solid stateness for them, but I have never heard that particular combo.
  16. What is a DNA 2?
  17. I'm a little perplexed because I didn't know until recently that the rMBP jettisoned the hard drive. Flash is cool and all, but i think it should at least be an option. I agree that she could easily make do with the MBA screen (and has throughout her HS that used them for everything--reading materials, notes, email, BBs, etc), and I am hard pressed to understand any other advantage of the rMBP for a typical student. I have to discuss further with her.
  18. Tonight's game is tomorrow, which bums me out. Tonight would be perfect so I could watch it but tomorrow is way more iffy. Dammit.
  19. Apple is stupid and Steve is dead. Were you able to make any comparison worth noting? the rMBP doesn't have much of a hard drive now, so I am not sure what my student daughter will gain over the Air except more weight and maybe better processing power that she is not too likely to use?
  20. Bear claws are awesome. Anyway, brisket is Mike B's specialty do you will have to consult. Easily can smoke two briskets and two butts or four of either. Let's try!
  21. Looking good, Ed, and sounding good, Reks!
  22. I was at a show but couldn't believe the score still showed tied when I checked before encores. Oh well, I hope I can watch the Bruins win the next game.
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