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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. Sounds more fun than slogging through the swamp, Al! Did you have any fried dough?
  2. Looks very cool but also creepy. What's up with the Rosh Hoshanah beard btw?
  3. What she said! Eww!
  4. Exactly! Good knowledge!
  5. Happy birthday Jimmy, and I hope you have some time to party like the Batman! Cheers!
  6. Magnifique!
  7. Gotta agree. Cowardly or not, this is a clean end to the horrible situation he created and lets those women move on.
  8. Just realizing that Neko does a cover of Robyn Hitchcock's Madonna of the Wasps, which is really quite cool.
  9. Thanks for all of the input so far. It turns out the rear speakers at least need to be passive so I am looking for more options. What about mixing some active and passive Emotivas? Anyone have thoughts on that idea? Also, I was going to spec out a Gallo speaker setup as well, so any thoughts on the current world of Anthony Gallo would be appreciated. Hell, any thoughts would be appreciated.
  10. http://www.schwartzsdeli.com/ Do not fail to enjoy smoked meats. Especially at Schwartz's. Somebody else went awhile back and there was a thread. Homard means lobster and homard festival means cheap lobster so keep your eyes open. Walking around and taking pics will be excellent as well.
  11. Fries with Heinz 57 and malt vinegar mayo
  12. You not only need room for the goose but also a very substantial and deep drip tray.
  13. You seem to like typing duck too.
  14. A goal indeed! Although the volume of red vodka to put you at .341 would likely kill a horse.
  15. .341 BAC is pretty damn epic, indeed.
  16. That's the way. I don't like to bread trout either, but i don't season my flour nearly that much. Next trout will get the secret Reks dust treatment
  17. Secret fish dust? Come on, give!
  18. This again!!
  19. I bought ground meat cut up uncooked bacon and combined them by hand. A kitchen aid would have been handy.
  20. I liked it a lot. I have done beef/pork/lamb before but I liked this better.
  21. Didn't get any good shots before eating but this is the last of the ground sirloin/ground pork/bacon burgers. They were tasty.
  22. Nice! And great idea Jeff.
  23. Oh yeah, and have a blast on the metric century Team SoFla!
  24. There's definitely a bi-uni-cyclist joke in there somewhere.
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