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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. I should listen to my Fetastic amp with the awesome mini-4-pin connector that Marc made for me because I don't recall it being a big noise issue with JH13s. Do JH16s have the same two-pin connector into the IEM or is it something different?
  2. Yup, ditto all of this Brent!
  3. You guys have really pissed me off by scheduling the first SoFla meet in years right in the middle of my trial. As such, and based on Raffy's request, I searched out photos of the MammalToe to make you writhe in agony. I was frustrated to find so few shots of this beast and nothing with a full frontal shot, perhaps because most people cannot bear to gaze upon it long enough to take a photo. Here is the MammalToe grazing in his natural environment. I also found the MammalToe in his winter coat Well, after searching WAY too many old impressions threads, I had to make do with a shot of AnalToe with the extra added bonus of Oz showing off his mime routine.
  4. I got home from the office while a dinner party for Claire's sister was already in progress. I was following the game in the car home and then on my phone during dinner, etc. I got my brothers in law to come with me to watch the game right when Boston tied it 4-4 and it was exciting stuff. That bizarre play was a buzz-kill and really seemed like such a TKO or something but them's the rules. I can't believe that Salty decided to throw the ball to third after that awesome play by Pedroia to Salty to gun down Molina (a catcher who decided not to smash into another catcher, interestingly). I think the Red Sox will be out for blood and the next game will be super interesting but the Cards tasted first blood on Koji tonight and that may be a big factor for the remainder. Fun stuff regardless. Go Sox!
  5. 35 is a good age to be! Have fun with it and I hope you get to enjoy a lovely Michigan beverage or a nice cocktail to celebrate. Cheers!
  6. So British! The fish looks tasty. Have fun in the Blighty G-Man.
  7. Wait, what? In before the lock! Happy birthday Peter! Cheers!
  8. Have a great one Hirsch! Rock on for another 60! Cheers!
  9. Loki is awesome indeed. I would actually not mind the Sox beating the Dodgers but stupid LA won't make it that far. Go Sox!
  10. It's only belated in Blighty. Over here, it is still Peter's big day (and Carl's and Iain's). How soon you forget.
  11. Happy birthday and enjoy some whiskey while relaxing in front of that new wood stove today! Cheers!
  12. Rock on Carl! I hope you get to enjoy that growler of Funky Buddha and listen to some awesome tunes while Bonnie feeds you exotic vegetables grown from antique seeds! Cheers!
  13. Sorry for the retread image but work has my head on fire too! Have a great one for the big 3-0 Peter! Cheers!
  14. Bon voyage, gimpy.
  15. Well said.
  16. Fuck! All food pics tonight make me hungry and sad. I just had one of each of these: Luckily there was beer left over from a happy hour that I missed entirely earlier, so I washed these awful things down with Anchor Steam.
  17. Made it in before midnight Mountain Time!
  18. RED SOX WIN!!! 2 games to 1! As Gene says, this was really all they had to do in Detroit. Also on Gene's sage advice, I am ok with the Dodgers getting a maximum of 2 wins to give them false hope and also to wear out the Cards a bit more before the Red Sox - Cardinals Series.
  19. One big fly and two HUGE strikeouts with men at 1st and 3rd! So wish I could actually watch a game and drink a beer instead of listening on a computer while working. And yes, I'll stop whining about work soon.
  20. OK, we sang happy birthday to you, so can we go play with Watson now?! Happy birthday Queen V! It's never about you any more, once you have a child. Have a great day with Watson and Ivan and make sure not to feed him chocolate or he will die. Cheers!
  21. More of those!
  22. Fuck! I was listening to the horrors while working and then had to turn off the sound for a conf call and missed the miracle win! GO SOX! GO BIG PAPI!
  23. Holy crap. Do the Sox even have bats with them when they are going to the plate?
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