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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. I didn't get any text! Planning to call today though so pick up the phone!
  2. Hope you are both having great birthdays with plenty of cycling or beer, as the case may be. Cheers!
  3. The Good: Slept almost 11 hours with a couple of waking periods. Needed to bank some hours because I was way overdrawn. The Bad: It was after noon and I was going to have lunch instead of breakfast so I made an iced coffee with some 2% milk that had an expiration date of tomorrow. I truly wish I had smelled it as a double check because when I took the first (and only) big swig of my triple shot iced latte I almost gagged on the sour milk taste. That is no way to start your day.
  4. Nice work, Absorbine Boudreau!
  5. Another one wishing I were there. Just got back to the hotel from court and popped a bottle that I saved so I could join in Geneapalooza in proper style: Cheers to Gene -- plus thanks for sending this fine brew -- and cheers to the rest of Team Florida (Local) including Vicki who was scurrilously left out the the evening drinking activities! Have fun and keep us posted with way too many pics and posts and inappropriate comments!
  6. Love the Monkey indeed! Hope it was a good one, Dinny, and that much chocolate milk and/or whiskey was consumed. Cheers! http://www.hark.com/clips/rnlnrypkhw-do-you-want-to-touch-my-monkey-touch-him
  7. Al seconds what Al said!
  8. LOL Hope you feel better quickly but give yourself enough time to rest and recover.
  9. Voltron


    Exactly. And stuff.
  10. Is it safe? Unlikely I will sleep tonight with visions of Josef Mengele, D.D.S., floating in my head. That, plus Grahame's plumped up knee is enough to end all though of sleep.
  11. Can't you just make a meager 2nd Lt. do your shift for you?
  12. Also subscribed.
  13. Wow that waveform is ludicrous.
  14. She's still rockin' the circle move, even standing up. Seems to be a little more dizzying that way.
  15. Same, except for the first time ever. I really like the short soundtrack summary/review on the NPR page.
  16. I've had very good Smashburgers. What's not to like, Shelly?
  17. No local farms in SF.
  18. I'm sorry, sir, I will never question the Angus Beef® again in any way sir. [tell her my family had nothing to do with it ... please?]
  19. Get the fucking surgery and get this thing healed properly. I let my screwed up wrist go for 9-10 months before getting surgery while in law school and initially uninsured (the initial urgent care assessment failed to find any clear issues because they are too small to see on x-ray in the beginning) and I have lived with the consequences ever since. Over 20 years later, I recently had another surgery to try to cap the damage. Don't dawdle. Get it fixed.
  20. Thanks Chef Reks! It just seems odd from the patterns and inconsistencies. Grilling within the hour!
  21. These certified Angus beef ribeyes were purchased on monday afternoon and kept in the fridge still wrapped in butcher paper until today. Why do they look this way? Is this a bad thing or just not ideal?
  22. Ugh! Heal quickly and stop recommending people!
  23. Sorry, Dusty, but no real comparison. I've never been a huge fan of silver and gold combos, but the EAR is classy looking compared to the RKV. The combo of the thin black top plate, star trek next generation looking acrylic daisy top, ivory painted body, giant stupid window, and three different sizes and shapes of gold dipped knobs and feet combine for a pretty nasty mess. That said, if you don't mind it -- and I have to imagine a black version would be more appealing -- then I can't see you being dissuaded even by extreme dislike in others. Plus, is there really a Dolce & Gabana GS-1000? THAT is freaky.
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