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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. Mikey and I attended the 2007 - 2012 Eclipse Vertical Tasting on December 4 and the Eclipse Release Party on December 5, and I have lots of pics and so does Mikey. I thought it would be easier to put them in an impressions thread, and after all "when two or more gather in Head-Case's name, it shall be a meet." First up is the Vertical Tasting 2007-2012. Seeing as the event was beer and desserts, we stopped next door for sushi and Japanese beer, at a spot Dinny might have inspired Our host Todd and his protege Alyssa The good stuff The snacks Getting under way with the beverages "Palate cleansers" were Nellie and Me So Hoppy at two junctures along the way Some stand-outs among to awesomeness: 2012 Elijah Craig 12 Reserve (single cask chosen to be set aside). Mikey likey. 2012 Java Coffee Eclipse with the Purple Pearl Swirl wax 2012 Gourmet Haus Staudt Eclipse Damn, I cannot remember what was in the unmarked bottle -- was it Iced BART? -- and we lost our list due to being buzzed at the end of the evening! Mixing it up with some amazing Annularity And both brewmasters signed the bottle for me Anticipation Satisfaction The Closer: 2008 Pappy van Winkle This was a fantastic event that cannot be repeated because we drank up most of the remaining stocks of some early and rare Eclipse variants. Next up will be the morning after and the Release Party.
  2. Hope it was a great day Todd! Many happy returns. Cheers!
  3. Happy birthday Tom! I hope you're having a great one and have time to enjoy some good music. Cheers!
  4. Sorry to hear about Ozzy. RIP good boy.
  5. That's a shame Jeff, but I predict the Ginger Avenger will suggest putting it into the Sous Vide for a few days.
  6. Sorry about the Traeger disaster. I have also experienced lack of feeding into the auger. I usually dig down and mix the pellets around before starting and occasionally while smoking, and I also do the same as Naaman and pile toward the middle. Still looks like you are going to have great food and much gas!
  7. Have a happy birthday, Gene Mon. Just sorry I can't be there to knock back a few Red Stripes and some rum to celebrate with you! Cheers!
  8. Happy birthday Haj, I just made it under the wire West Coast time! Hope it was a good one in your time zone. Cheers!
  9. Nice cookies and nice butcher briskets. The Traeger will make those magical.
  10. Nice going Chris!
  11. I gave the wimmenfolk a break to clean up and look purty for later.
  12. Claire makes the best pecan pie ever. She needs to make into bars like you did so I can eat them more often.
  13. Claire and Sophie are making Tarte Tatin, and Claire already made a pecan pie and a couple of cranberry compotes/sauces. Alden and I aren't doing squat. As Grahame the religious oppressor says, Win!
  14. Happy Thanksgiving, Happy Hanukah, and/or Happy Thursday depending on location, beliefs, and circumstances. Cheers all!
  15. I hope you cooked it until it was black on the outside, Ric. That's how you Freddy is ready.
  16. I think you have your strategy in place, now you just need to execute it Greg!
  17. I too hated dentists based on the sadistic asshole dentist that made me suffer as a kid, and I paid for it with a lot of dental work after years of neglect. I am not perfect about dental hygiene by any stretch, but after realizing that not all dentists are named Dr. Mengele, I started going regularly and have had few problems ever since. I still dislike the experience, but routine stuff is far preferable to the alternative. Good luck with your current and future procedures.
  18. That sounds truly horrible, Mike.
  19. Mini Loki says: Have a great one Bryan, and don't forget to have some beer and whiskey to celebrate. Cheers!
  20. Ditto. That is an unexpected bonus.
  21. I hope you have some more good times with Ozzy, but I know how hard it is to know you are losing a canine companion. Hang in there.
  22. Those look tasty.
  23. Just playing with my new Sony RX1R today. Pulled over for some quick flower shots and then snapped some succulents in our front yard Nothing special, but it was fun to take a picture with a camera instead of a phone.
  24. Happy birthday Phil! Cheers!
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