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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. Agree with Jacob. With or without strong heroine an addiction like this does not involve choice. I obviously don't know the details but he was supposedly sober for 23 years when he went into rehab in 2012, and just recently went through rehab for snorting heroine. It's tragic and stupid but I don't think you can dismiss the struggle just because the guy could afford treatment.
  2. Looking good Greg! Are those sourdough baguettes or sweet? Someone needs to figure out how to make baguettes with the taste and texture of the ones in the motherland. Import water, flour, whatever it takes!
  3. This. In spades.
  4. Is it real? Real creepy, that is for sure.
  5. Awful news. What Walter and Wayne said.
  6. Looks nice. Recipe, please!
  7. You still managed to get drunk after that caveman steak dinner?
  8. Just go to innerfidelity.com if you are intelligent and discerning. If not, go to head-fi.org. In any event, just go
  9. I had four whiskies yesterday and the cold did not die! Maybe I should try harder today.
  10. Gesundheit!
  11. Sweet, enjoy the show! I'm going to see Dave Chappell at the SF Jazz Center tonight even though I have a cold and should probably just sleep.
  12. If you're not going to bring them back to their homeland, then sending them to their homeland's former penal colony has some appeal.
  13. It's not hard Jeff, just get out there and do it! Both shows should be great and I heard good things about that Hendrix show earlier in its run.
  14. Went to see Bill Frissell again tonight. He was playing Big Sur with a quintet and they were really jamming at about one hour in when the power went out. The acoustic set that ensued was at least as good as the planned set. Good times.
  15. How are they? I haven't opened because they are Valentines Day gift for Claire
  16. Hope you're having a great day hunting catcoons, drinking beers, and listening to great tunes! Cheers!
  17. As if you hang out here enough to see your own birthday thread, but just in case have a great one Dom! Cheers!
  18. Is that a mono[lith]bloc?
  19. Haven't seen it yet Posty, but I have heard good things.
  20. Also loving it and MM is the better actor so far, surprisingly. Woody seems too wooden.
  21. Gumballhead Birthday Dance for the Fourth Floyd! Happy birthday Mike, and have a fantastic day whether or not Tuesday services are possible! Cheers!
  22. Oh lord, that is going to give me nightmares. The mere sound of his voice makes me ill.
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