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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. Awesome last episode. Way intense.
  2. Have a great one, Fitz! We miss you around these parts and hope to see more of you. Cheers!
  3. Voltron


    ^^What he said. We have two of them and they were not the tippy top of the line uber quiet models but they are dependable and way quieter than ones I have had before.
  4. Very nice indeed. Let us know how the show is. Trying to remember the little bar we saw them at in Ithaca. That was amazing.
  5. I know it's early but thought you might be celebrating on Sunday instead of Monday. Have great one, Mr. DIYer, my friend! Cheers!
  6. Double plus good work, citizen Grahame!
  7. 1 fresh baked english muffin from Arizmendi Bakery + 2 poached eggs + 3 slices of bacon = HAPPY
  8. Are you on Earth?
  9. That's a great turntable if you like to accompany all of your music with the sound of a robot jerking off.
  10. It's been recovered: http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2014-02-25/news/chi-harry-manx-guitar-theft-mohan-veena-20140225_1_guitar-theft-mohan-veena-baggage
  11. $2.4 million already? What could they possibly need more cash to accomplish?
  12. I just listened to Mehliana once at work but it is pretty cool to hear Mehldau going a little wild with keyboards and playing some free form fusion. Guiliana's drumming is great. I need to listen more. Oh, and don't get hung up on the talky opener in which Mehldau describes a dream or something. It threw me off but it is a passing thing and not repeated in the rest of the songs.
  13. Maybe this delivery system would be less like work. Have a great one Naaman! Cheers!
  14. RIP PDL. Another sad loss too young.
  15. St. Vincent
  16. SF Jazz this week was quartet heaven. The Spring Quartet on Wednesday featured Joe Lovano (sax), Leo Genovese (piano), Esperanza Spalding (bass), Jack DeJohnette (drums). They were all excellent, played well together, and were very entertaining. But then Saturday was the Superstar Quartet with David Sanborn (sax), Joey DeFrancesco (B3 organ), Billy Hart (drums), and Bobby Hutcherson (vibes). Whoa. Bobby had the good oxygen running into his cannula that night. At age 73 he had the most energy I have seen in a couple of years easily, and when he did his trademark single note slam toward the end of a song he stared down at the key looking cocky and proud like Ali standing over a fallen opponent. He was amazing. Sanborn was really quite awesome and impressed me again as a great and powerful player. Billy Hart was rock solid also at age 73 and had a great style that varied from pounding to plush brushing. The most enlightening performance was Joey D. I have seen him before and liked but did not love. In this quartet he was awesome laying down bass lines and leads alike. Completely amazing on the B3 and completely in awe of his fellow musicians. The best news of all is that everything we heard will be on a Blue Note record being released in June. I can't wait.
  17. I wonder if I have to worry using iOS 5.1.1. Seems unlikely to target something a couple of years out of date...
  18. That totally sucks. I didn't know about his freakish disease. Harold Ramis practically wrote my teens/twenties, and directed or starred in some of the best ones to: Animal House / Caddyshack / SCTV / Stripes / Ghostbusters / Groundhog Day / etc. RIP Dr. Spengler
  19. Have a great day Dan! Stogies, brews, whiskeys and tunes! Cheers!
  20. Cheers from Mayberry to the Cincinnati crew with an FFF treat from Mike Sr.!
  21. I agree unless that is a much bigger glass (and hand) than it appears. Sorry to hear about late arrivals and cancellations and such, but I hope the hard core has a great time!
  22. Done. Ride on Raffy!
  23. Hope you get to shine on your birthday Tracy! Cheers!
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