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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. Poor Antonio.
  2. Sounds like a good deal, Juan. Enjoy!
  3. Amen to that dessert!
  4. A power play goal?! Nice recovery (after looking lame again for most of the PP).
  5. Sounds like a couple of great characters. RIP Ed and Evert. Well, hopefully not too peaceful -- maybe they are debating something together in the great beyond!
  6. Happy birthday Peter! Games on!
  7. Van Halen I gold CD (DC / Hoffman)
  8. Black ops ninja letting slip. Must have been drinking without posting!
  9. We gave up on Penny Dreadful last night after the absinthe scene. Too much crap thrown into one pot, kind of like True Blood adding more and more monsters and ghouls and spirits and whatnot.
  10. Bacon Onion Rings are going to be on the menu very soon in Mayberry...
  11. So badly.
  12. HD800 and B22 do not sound good to me either. HD800 on a Luxman P1 is a beautiful combination to my ears. But DT880 is anything but balanced or true to my ears, regardless of amp. Musical is not really a descriptor of a headphone that makes much sense to me. DT880 is not as accurate and will be more forgiving than an HD800, but that doesn't mean it is better or "musical" in comparison.
  13. DT880 sounds more balanced and musical than HD800? It is worth getting your hearing checked.
  14. Seriously. I need to quickly recognize whose posts I can skip over!
  15. That was indeed fascinating. Thanks Ric
  16. Did you normalize for the age of that post?
  17. That blows. They've got to win both games in NYC.
  18. Exciting but infuriating hockey
  19. 3-1 is feeling good right now. Keep it up Rangers!
  20. Come on Dinny, let's do this!!!
  21. Not mine!!!1!
  22. Ah Sam's. First time I was there was with my summer associate class in 1989. We started drinking in the morning and I achieved near-red-vodka levels of fun in the sun that day.
  23. Are you at Belcampo?
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