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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. Fathers day lunch at my daughter's restaurant. No pics allowed so I have to be stealthy First up, beef tallow fries
  2. I like how the French team has their coqs out!
  3. Great success!
  4. Plenty of leftovers. Pop on by Stretch!
  5. He said "dirty areas". Heh heh
  6. Night at the Roxbury
  7. I don't have any great regard for him, but it is sad that Casey's last days were spent being secreted away from his children by his current wife. Weird stories including court orders and the wife flinging meat at the daughter... Keep your feet on the ground but keep reaching for the stars. RIP CK
  8. Happy father's day to all HC dad old, new and future! Cheers men.
  9. Damn. Heading to the fridge now.
  10. I like scrolling websites.
  11. So sorry to be missing the commiseration party and those bacon onion rings G. Have fun without me and I'll drop by tomorrow for leftovers!
  12. Then shut up and buy a fucking solid state amp. We don't care to agonize about it with you. And there is no reason to invest in your 006t if you're going to sell it. Just fucking sell it. /stupid thread
  13. I'm getting some chicks drunk.
  14. I don't know what you mean by that, but Italy sure does a lot of diving.
  15. Good luck England! We wouldn't want Grahame to suffer Antonio's opening game fate, now would we?
  16. Didferent
  17. Order a hamburger pizza on biscuit dough. Although they are likely to tell you they ran out...
  18. I say old chap, that sounds like a capital idea! Cheerio!
  19. I have two of the three Ari-approved Grados, plus the PS-1s and I won't sell any of them. Sorry Oranges. ;-)
  20. Oh well, it's over. Congrat to the Kings fans. Condolences to the Monkey Family.
  21. He keeps shouting at people about upgrades...
  22. I'm just funning' ya because Joe is at my nephew's graduation party.
  23. Joe Breeze says you guys are pussies for wimping out over some mud. "Mountain bikes are made for mud!"
  24. Turned on the game two minutes before the Kings tied it at 2 apiece. Fuckity fuck
  25. Ordered as well!
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