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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. Yes, I think I am.
  2. Voltron

    Gas Dryers

    Steam is actually pretty nice, but you don't need to hook it up on the Samsung.
  3. Voltron

    The Killing

    Didn't know it was on again. Will find
  4. Have a nice whisky or twelve to celebrate your big day, Frank! Cheers!
  5. Voltron

    Gas Dryers

    I was also going to recommend the Samsungs. We have Bosch in SF and Samsung in Mayberry and we prefer the Sammy. I also bought my dad a Samsung set of the same type. While I am not sure about precise heat levels, it gets very hot. This may or may not be the exact model, but it is in the same range: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/samsung-7-4-cu-ft-13-cycle-ultra-large-capacity-steam-gas-dryer-neat-white/4980691.p?id=1218588862698&skuId=4980691&st=categoryid$pcmcat232900050030&cp=2&lp=4 The newer models seem to have a larger display without the extra physical buttons. Not sure if there are other changes. No smartphone programming on mine.
  6. RIP Neko. Enjoy your endless beach run. Sorry you lost her too soon Ian and Lauren. (
  7. RIP Aunt June. So sorry for your and your mom's loss, Wayne. And fuck cancer.
  8. Have a great one, Todd! Cheers!
  9. Feliz Cumpleanos Antonio! Glad you've had a nifty fifty! Cheers!
  10. Nice loaf!
  11. After putting them on, wrap the whole speaker in blankets so the kid doesn't stick her finger through the grills.
  12. This, this, this!
  13. Clear personal favorite movie role was the Scrounger in The Great Escape. Rockford Files was my favorite show for years and then like Todd I watched Maverick in syndication. RIP Rockfish.
  14. Its a new trend. Food truck whitefish tacos and curly fries.
  15. Thanks for all the good wishes everybody. It is unclear what triggered the reaction but the only unusual food item was a previously unopened bottle of fat free ranch dressing that expired in April. I ate some too and did not react but who knows what is in that crap. I thought of you too, Greg, because you have been suggesting those Epipens to me for awhile. I'll look into the Auvi-Q again...
  16. We just landed in Michigan. I love it when Doug swears for some reason.
  17. I've been traveling to Michigan since 4:30am after being in the ER until midnight with Alden who had an extreme allergic reaction to something we had for dinner. He's fine but that was no fun. He had hives over his whole body and really bad ones from his chest to his knees. Luckily he didn't experience any real breathing difficulty other than a racing heart. I nearly died as a kid after a bee sting caused my throat to swell shut. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger, right? Plus, we now have Epi pens.
  18. Thanks for adding thoughts, Jacob and Dr. Wood. I already ordered a quart of the stuff Doug recommended and it seems to be a solid option. Linseed oil and beeswax seem dandy to me, and I can get a few layers in place right away and then add more to buff it up and make it more water resistant and easy to clean.
  19. Doug, is there one of their products you like best? I see Danish Oil, Varnish Oil and Original Wood Finish. Thanks again
  20. Thanks Doug, I will look for it.
  21. Took me even longer than usual to see the last stage before the rest day. It was quite a wild ride in many ways. The Contador crash and abandon was totally the opposite of what I was expecting for the stage, and the whole breakaway/Martin/Kwiatkowski/Rodriguez thing was epic, and then Nibali dominating the finish. Wow.
  22. This is an odd topic but I'm looking for quick answers. I am having some Ikea solid beech wood butcher block counter tops installed in the Mayberry kitchen. They suggest sanding, sealing and oiling but they do not really give a lot of specifics. They sell some linseed oil but not a sealer and I am not sure if a sealer is necessary or recommended for use on butcher block counter tops or what to use and still be safe for food handling on them. Anybody have ideas for specific products or general procedures to employ or avoid?
  23. Cool stage But I hadn't seen it before inadvertently seeing the first line of your post in Tapatalk timeline mode. Kinda wrecked the suspense. For those of us recording, it would be great to hold off on results commentary or at least put in something generic and then return a couple of lines so it doesn't show up in Tapatalk or the like. Thanks.
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