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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. Best of luck Iain!
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WstLNyYyW0 Couldn't ask for a better birthday gift than that one Peter! Have a great day and glad I got to see you over the weekend. Cheers!
  4. Bochy was the mvp in many ways. That game was delicious torture. Bring on those Royals!
  5. You made it. No 70" I guess. ;-)
  6. Our pitching has been amazing, period. Nobody has given up big runs and the bullpen has been unbelievable. Crazy wins are wins, and the Royals are coasting on some pretty wacky wins to date. They haven't lost any postseason games, but we have played the extra one-game playoff and only lost 2 games by a total of 4 runs so far. I want to close it out tomorrow at home with MadBum on the mound. I will be there and will do my part.
  7. This one is for Baker and JP and Raffy: Michael Franti singing take me out to the ballgame.
  8. I'm here. Taking a toll but we're going to win!
  9. Tidal at RMAF was the height of vapor ware sales. They had really expensive and very slick looking marketing materials and shwag that said absolutely nothing, and the reps there added almost nothing more. JP did confirm that Tidal will work -- if and when it exists in the US -- straight from a computer, tablet or mobile phone in addition to all those partner devices.
  10. Those are both good suggestions because if you don't have a collection of SACDs then it doesn't make sense to start now. DSD has the benefit of not needing discs and is always combined with PSM and other options that provide you access to pretty much anything. The Sony room with the HAP-Z1ES sounded good and functioned well with a chatty rep talking through shit while controlling the unit from an Android tablet. Another interesting option with an incredible list of features is the X40 from Cocktail Audio -- we saw one in action at RMAF but who knows what dictates the sound in those rooms. The only reviews I have seen are from the UK's WhatHiFi and they say it works well and has great features but not the greatest sound.
  11. Exactly! Have a great day Queen V, your fans miss you. Cheers!
  12. Excellent looking dinner Greg. That chef seems to take good care of you.
  13. Fuck yeah! Bunts, wild pitches, sacrifices, these Giants win in strange and wonderful ways. I'll take it.
  14. Dunno anything other than it looks beautiful.
  15. We know it wasn't Brent because you were actually moving before falling down, but that looked like a rough fall. Glad you're not more banged up.
  16. Fred's steaks are awesome, seriously. Curry wurst, not so much. Tonight, Alden made Beef Wellingtons and Claire made her Swiss chard with balsamic/brown sugar reduction. Tasty stuff
  17. Ugh
  18. Good luck cuz. Go Giants!
  19. RIP Uncle Ronnie, and condolences for your family's loss, Todd.
  20. 6.5 hours at Toronado because it seemed like if I left the game might be lost. Amazing.
  21. Heading to Hardly Strictly Bluegrass at some point but now watching the live stream of Whograss -- Prairie Prince from the Tubes and others playing Who songs bluegrass style. Should be there live but I was stupidly slow and at first found some band of the same name from Missouri that have no Who connection and suck so I wasn't that excited.
  22. It took a toll on my heart and perhaps a year or two off of my life, but that was a sweet win over Strasburg and the Nats! GO GIANTS!!!
  23. Nice! Hungry all of the sudden
  24. That guy seemed like a douche, but he's not out of line, so to speak. I'd love to be there for the last dog Doug serves. RIP to the Mecca of Encased Meats!
  25. Mikey must have Super Buttocks! It only took him one sit to destroy an S4!
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