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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. Any suggestions for 6+ cases?
  2. Cool. Greater spatiality. These people suck.
  3. Thanks buddy. I rented the turkey with foil way earlier than last time I smoked one and the skin was much better. The semi-spatchcock also decreased roasting time significantly. The overall feast was ridiculous.
  4. Smoked turkey and a little extra smoke for the ham on Thanksgiving:
  5. Maybe we shouldn't have put Raffy and Dominic in charge of the cake, but it's the thought that counts. Have a fantastic birthday, roomie! Cheers!
  6. Happy birthday Haj! Hope you're feeling better and had a great birthday! Cheers!
  7. Put the subwoofer back in the OMA Mini system so some mutha fuckin bass was required for testing purposes
  8. Cheers Bryan from your West Coast Big Bro! Toasted you first thing this morning with a dram of Matt's Nog. There's enough whiskey in this stuff to justify the Glencairn, that is for sure! Have a great turkey birthday! Cheers!
  9. Congrat Tom and best of luck with the move and the new home!
  10. Tenderloin & broc looks awesome Dan!
  11. Happy birthday! Cheers
  12. But do you like the famous New Hampshire style chorizo?
  13. My final pic is not as appetizing as the actual product was. Next time I think I would just leave the bread intact if it survives and not stir it up so the meat is more chunky and less shredded. Also, it was very rich and filling with the volume of bread I used so I would stick closer to the recipe. Super tasty regardless.
  14. Belgian Beef Stew on realsimple.com. I used more bread than the recipe specified but stirred very little while in the oven to leave the bread intact but soaked. I then took a slice of bread from the top and put it in each bowl. I mixed the remaining bread into the stew before serving it up because the bread is traditionally melted and incorporated into the stew.
  15. Mikhail did design the Enigma but he never really closed a deal with Synergistic to manufacture it. I'm not sure if that thing is still available but I'm pretty certain he never made significant money from it.
  16. Ugh! to both Al and Shelly for various expenses and difficulties leading to hatred of ownership realities. I hope all issues resolve soon. (
  17. Belgian beef stew, complete with Belgian beer and Dijon-mustard-smeared bread. This stack of goodness is the bacon and angus beef chuck roast and onions waiting while I deglaze the pot with brandy. Now with the stock and beer and spices and the bread topping Two hours on the oven And now in bowls
  18. Have a great one, Juan! Cheers!
  19. Hoppy Birthday Jeff! Cheers! EDIT: I've asked for help on the thread title because auto-correct screwed it up.
  20. Catch-22
  21. JP: here is an article about beer garden gymborees in Brooklyn so that you can avoid them at all costs on your trip. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/11/20/style/play-dates-at-the-beer-garden.html?ref=fashion
  22. Fuck, this year is claiming too many greats. I'm going to have to find Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? and to watch tonight while drinking some bergin in his honor. RIP Mike
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