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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. Johnny Marr remaster on vinyl
  2. Ah, but with LIO you can simply pull out a defective or outdated module and replace it. [emoji48]
  3. Bummer Haj.
  4. Sucky way to end the trip.
  5. How many people is that for? And is it on a magic carpet or otherwise floating in air?
  6. Glad you already got your present, and I hope you get to ride soon! Have a great one, Al. Cheers!
  7. The giant knob -- settle down, Steve -- is awful as well, imo.
  8. Vinnie has released his new modular amp/dac/phono stage/headphone amp device he calls LIO. I like Vinnie at shows but have never owned any Red Wine Audio gear. How does this thing look to the HC tech folks and critics? Discuss. http://vinnierossi.com/
  9. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tritium_illumination Oh well, not helpful on time line.
  10. Serious YAY!
  11. ^Who the fuck is that?
  12. Have a Gingervating day, Colin! Cheers!
  13. Not an idiot, but Yay!
  14. I wish I ate that
  15. I hope the candle is big enough for a TICE cake, at least relative to the slice. Have a fantastic birthday Steve! Cheers!
  16. Go for it, Brian, there should be plenty of great stuff and some good people too!
  17. I don't know Gene, I think that fancy breakfast needs to be Frenched up: Le poulet frit et gaufres sont magnifique, M. Stretch! Ric, however, is going the other direction. I feel much better about my morning beer on my walkabout. Cheers Ric!
  18. Happy birthday Chun-Chieh! Have a great one. Cheers!
  19. Have a fantastic day Ed! Party like a hamster: party all night, sleep all day, and get someone else to clean up! Cheers!
  20. Just started Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel
  21. She IS a Belieber! But she don't believe the hype. Awesome
  22. Yikes. Where do you put more snow? Be safe New England HC.
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