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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. Are there hotties in costumes like other 'Cons?
  2. Nice Willett! Bourbon?
  3. Not so much now, but when I was in London last week. Stretch treated me to one of the best meals I have had at Restaurant Story. We did the full Story tasting menu with drinks pairings. The pairings ranged from wine to beer to sake to cider, and were all gleefully presented by the sommelier. Apertifs of a beer for Stretch and a cocktail described as a clear, up version of a bloody mary. The vodka was infused with Worchestershire Sauce flavors, bitters and other mixes filled the tomato and spice roles. Very tasty, and Mike G would love them. The first two of four snacks that are not even on the menu. Fried cod skin with creme fraiche and juniper leaves, and Storeos that are cookies of squid ink paste and a fishy cream filling. Both tasty despite descriptions. Gifts from the Sea Bread and Drippings -- beef tallow candle and drippings for dipping with crusty break and veal tongue cubes. Onion, apple and Old Tom gin Scallops, cucumber and dill ash (the black cucumber balls are rolled in the ash) Off-menu brioche with butter/fois gras/truffle cake and some kind of veggie gelatin thing Heritage potato mash, asparagus and coal Herdwick's lamb three ways, sheep's yogurt and ramson. I started eating the lamb belly before taking the pic. Desserts were wild, with chocolate crumbles, frozen granitas with vegetable flavors, and creamy custards, including an oyster-flavored one. First up, was not on the menu and now I cannot recall what it was, other than delicious. Back on the menu, we have chocolate, oyster and lovage. The chocolates are crumbled and crunchy. The oyster is the white custardy dollop, and the lovage (leafy green) is a granita. Way tastier than you can imagine from that description. Lastly, we have almond and dill. Everything white is almond-flavored and everything green is dill-flavored. Sound horrid? Wrong again, it was amazing. Thanks again, Andrew. This was a treat and it was great catching up.
  4. Go Hawks! That first one doesn't count!
  5. Holy crap those crap-piles of food look craptastic! Seriously, what are they? Poutine kielbasa egg burgers? Irish nachos? Whatever they are I want them. Please fax
  6. Thread of win! Gear, burgers, beer and whiskey -- what could possibly go wrong?!
  7. Is that code?
  8. At the ballgame with my dad
  9. Waiting for Stretch to like the above.
  10. Nope, Wayne skanked it up all by himself when riding in the way back years ago...
  11. At least it wasn't a full-on soup kitchen.
  12. Mikey would take that as a challenge!
  13. Go Caps. Sorry Tom.
  14. My wee Lewbowski burger And Alden's ridiculous Big Lewbowski I didn't get a picture of Doug draining his pickle but he can tell you about it.
  15. Wow, none of my usual teams is even in the playoffs. Hawks and Rangers will be my teams for now, and if it somehow comes down to it, I will have to go with . . .
  16. Is the colored text an island thing? I find it off-putting but I want to like you because you are Wayne's friend.
  17. Is that Esme on the first one?
  18. If only Jeffy actually looked at Head-Case any more he would know we're thinking about him. Have a good one Jeffy! Cheers!
  19. I figured but it's still harsh
  20. Suddenly very hungry.
  21. Can you really say it add "sashimi" when they don't even cut it? Seems like "baby squid" is more accurate.
  22. Have you really had a rat problem in the past?
  23. Try acting like a new person in an old forum. Especially an old forum that tells you it is full of grumpy people who are dubious of new people. Don't post lengthy dissertations teaching us things. Don't claim to know how every business in the entire world operates. Don't try to impress us with your background in music or engineering or whatever the fuck. Don't post and post and post and not take hints. And don't call Birgir "Spritz." That is just stupid. Take a breath and lay back occasionally and maybe you will find a niche here. Obviously, there is plenty for you here, and you are clearly enamored with the technical expertise that is shared here. But if you simply cannot filter and cannot help but sound pompous, then you're going to get this same treatment until you are banned or bail out.
  24. It takes a special kind of cunt to turn MPI into the reasonable one in an argument. If anyone needs to stop running his mouth, it is you, so why don't you shut the fuck up and quit clogging our forum with your verbal diarrhea.
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