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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. It's today. Wink is in a radically different time zone and doesn't adjust.
  2. Funny, I was trying to figure out it you thought it was good or bad performance too. I'd say losing 30% in 90 minutes of just moderate usage is not too strong but I don't have a dog in this fight.
  3. Looks fantastic, Mikey!
  4. ^That looks awesome Mike! Mother's Day brunch a la Alden and Al: Tyler Florence eggs benedict with cayenne hollandaise and prosciutto, bacon, hash browns, and fruit.
  5. It used to seem like every day was Matt's birthday, but now it's like only once a year or so. Make it a good one! Cheers!
  6. Have a great one Ari! Cheers!
  7. Sorry about the cold but congrat on the Big 4-0! Hadn't noticed or lacked data to know the significance of this year.
  8. You bet I do, Dr. John! Keeping that feeling alive and silly in 24/192:
  9. Forgot to mention that the Triumph is in glorious HDTracks 24/96 high resolution! So is this:
  10. Claire is so proud that she saw Einstürzende Neubauten at a small club in SF in the 80s. It never fails to quiet hipper than thou music heads. I see your noisy, and raise you big hair!
  11. Have a great one Shelly! Cheers!
  12. Hawks win!
  13. I think you're right, but now it is just a goal again...
  14. Beautiful third goal for the Hawks!
  15. It's actually a really cool shot, Naaman.
  16. You are so fucking autistic, er, artistic!
  17. Vicki is known as the Tolstoy of Texts! Burn battery burn!
  18. And now another awesome disc I got from Sammich!
  19. Happy birthday Purk! Cheers
  20. Congrat Dan. That was another great game even though I'm feeling for Dinny at this moment.
  21. All is well, thanks. You're welcome to dive in here and call out trolls and shills with abandon.
  22. The roll is at 90 degrees to the lobster, but that is the only real distinction I can see from every other po boy I have ever seen.
  23. Hey Paolo! You found us finally. Hope you and your lovely family are doing well.
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