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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. I was time shifting, but YES! Double game sevens! Maximum playoff hockey!
  2. Good for you Dan!
  3. Preliminary congrat again!
  4. Maybe I'm confused, but I thought you bought a lake house already? Congrat regardless!
  5. Nice game Rangers, now on to Game 7!
  6. Thanks all. That salmon was one of the most beautiful pieces of fish I have seen in awhile. The whole fillet was over 5 lbs and I would have gotten it all except that it was about $150. I think you'd have gotten it a bit cheaper when you were fishing, Steve.
  7. My guess is that your power was not out but dipped enough that the Mac restarted. They do not reboot after a long outage according to recent experience here.
  8. Jude can use Head Fest if he wants to.
  9. ^Nice! Rocking late tonight, eh?
  10. I didn't think it was going to be nearly as much work as it was to prepare this whole meal, but I made rib-eyes with shisito pepper sauce, wild king salmon with yogurt sauce and skin cracklins, and potato/onion/bacon skewers (with a veggie option substituting zucchini). I was rushed with these pics, but you'll get the idea. Steak pulled off the grill and sliced (hopefully not too well done for Shelly!) Two of three steaks with blistered peppers and sauce, ready to serve This is actually a beautiful 2.8 lb fillet of wild king salmon with sumac seasoning, although you cannot perceive its glory from this image The salmon was served with a greek yogurt, fresh chives, dill and grilled scallion sauce As well as salmon skin cracklins that are awesome as a topping Lastly, other than a salad brought by my brother-in-law, was the potato/onion/bacon skewers and veggie alternative (not pictured) Quick pic of my plate before setting upon it
  11. Amazing end to the third period. Fucked up 40 seconds in OT. Just fuck indeed.
  12. Be safe Naaman and Shelly and Steve too! You know what they say about tornados and white trash divorces, somebody's gonna lose a mobile home!
  13. I'm raising one now. Thanks for finding this one Dusty.
  14. I *usually* wear seat belts in a cab on the freeway, but given that John Nash and his wife were ejected and died while the seat-belted cab driver and driver of the other car had non-lifethreatening injuries I think I'll be more careful in the future. Sad.
  15. They looked awful. They had no shots on goal for over 20 minutes at one point. I hope they can bounce back and force game 7. The Hawks better not be in the same position after tonight.
  16. RIP Marques and Nashes and Meara. I loved the Globetrotters and Stiller & Meara as a kid.
  17. Emily's internship sounds like win all around! Congrat to another proud pop.
  18. Same! There's enough pink in your eyes. Enjoy!
  19. Dino Grill!
  20. I can't be the only one watching these amazing games. Both series tied at 2-2 is pretty cool and bodes well for plenty more hockey.
  21. Hope you've had a good one Brent! Cheers!
  22. Fuckage. Good luck Nate!
  23. HD Tracks 24/88
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