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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. You chide your welcome ambassador on proper sentence structure in your own run-on sentence of epic proportions. Not to mention the lack of capitalization and proper punctuation. Poor form, in every sense of the term.
  2. It really did turn out great and was universally approved and appreciated. This knife is holding up the best of my collection, Jacob, although mostly because I use it the least. I need to get some sharpening done.
  3. Pretty damn good for a first attempt at a proper Texas Brisket Fairy brisket. Alden wanted to move into the cooler from the aroma. Brisket gloves required Thanks for the guidance Naaman!
  4. Please not Arby's!
  5. Come on (pun intended), in all that time you stayed here? Further action shots And now it's wrapped up in the magic pink fairy paper. Anxiously awaiting the results.
  6. Dutifully spritzing with Fairy Sauce hourly. This pic just moments ago pre-spritz
  7. Got up early to be the Brisket Fairy today. I was debating and then the real BF's pics from Franklin's put me over the edge. Almost 8lbs
  8. Yeah, it was because you were hung over. I believe you said that smelling it was good enough, and that eating it might be dangerous. [emoji48]
  9. Gene started all of this by giving me the Godwin (whale) bottle opener. I have bought many an item and gifted several whales myself since then.
  10. Thanks Jacob! Pretty simple, and simply tasty. I just saw a package of pancetta and immediately decided to make it tonight.
  11. But you didn't take a single bite. We all had gravy and onions as I recall. Some might have had it on the side to control volume. Tonight I made and ate some linguine carbonara for Alden's last dinner before school starts. It was good enough for seconds (pictured)
  12. Machine-era.com makes my front pocket wallet and I'm very happy not having a big wallet in my back pocket. Cards and license are protected and I can strap cash or business cards front or back as well
  13. Nothing is going to happen from you walking through that mess or cleaning up your shoes, Shelly. Bleach will be potent and effective for years so you have more than resolved any concern.
  14. Um, Todd, I somehow pasted the whole forum into a post. And I navigated to this thread and made this post ALL INSIDE THIS FREAKISH POST:
  15. The New Content thing happens to me all the time. When you hit that link or even hit "Back" as Chris says, the forum automatically does a search for new content, which is different than it used to be. Previously, if you were on the New Content page, clicked on a thread, then clicked Back, you would get exactly the same list of New Content as before (i.e., not a new search for all new content). Now that it does a search when you hit Back, if you have the same old instinct to hit the New Content button again, the forum gives you an error and tells you to wait 1 or 2 seconds between searches (Error Code 1C205/3). If you get out of the habit of hitting the button again, you still get all the new content without the error messages. Kapisch?
  16. Have you taken them to the renovated Imperial War Museum? That was amazing for me and it is so interactive that kids would love it.
  17. Food, yes,thanks Gene
  18. Carson City has better looking good than when I spent way too much time there for work years ago.
  19. Hungry now.
  20. I was complimenting Dan's cooking. Of course, I hope he keeps posting pics regardless of food styling.
  21. Birth year recording on AP SACD
  22. Happy birthday Jack! Jam on you sexy CPA.
  23. That's them. Fine swine.
  24. No leftovers! Better start some more.
  25. Pork ribs and Belgium Campo style flash fried broccolini
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