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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. Big cooking day today. First, I made and canned some sweet pickled green tomatoes in an attempt to read recreate my mother in law's recipe (that she'll never remember or make due to alzheimers). Then I made orange beef and broccoli with oyster sauce and rice for dinner.
  2. Have a great midwestern birthday Santa Wayne! Cheers!
  3. Dammit, they spelled it wrong! I'll have to order you a new flag. I hope you have a great one anyway! Cheers!
  4. Damn. Your arteries are under constant siege.
  5. Pork and Parmesan Polpette that I made this afternoon
  6. Tres bien!
  7. Of course, but your discourse is coarse.
  8. Thanks for persevering even without preview, Knucks. We enjoy your efforts greatly.
  9. For Jim's birthday, Pope Francis is about to celebrate Vespers! What an honor for you, buddy! Here he is stirring Cheers Frank
  10. Sadly, several new members are left unwelcomed. Apparently, this would happen on Postjack's forum.
  11. Vespers for everyone! Have a great day and I hope Karen can whip up the cocktails for you by this point. Cheers!
  12. Just bought a Seagate Backup Plus drive and there is no Acronis anything on it. There is a Seagate backup software that does not specify a clone option, there is Lyve software for photo crap, and there is Microsoft One Drive for the cloud backup.
  13. RIP YOGI
  14. Sounds awesome Steve! We saw the CMB Trio at sfjazz recently and they were amazing.
  15. Done for the kids! Go Wonder Karen!
  16. Thanks everyone! Realized all of our external drives are Apple formatted and mostly full so I will get a new one for my PC kid.
  17. Same! You talked about this awhile back and I'm glad phase one went so well. Cheers!
  18. We have to send Alden's Lenovo for service and need to back it up to a hard drive. Any good free or cheap options for backup software? Thanks
  19. DIY T2
  20. Yep, we were in the front pew. Really nice show, first half acoustic and second half electric with a lot of sampling and pedaling. The highlight was In My Life by The Beatles that grew out of a cacophonous distortion jam. It was so sparkling and huge and layered -- between electronics and the amazing sacred space -- and the harmonics were kind of mind-blowing. His encore was a great Western tubes and theme songs, including Happy Trails and the Bonanza theme. Fun stuff.
  21. Waiting for Bill Frissell solo at Grace Cathedral
  22. Holy spaghetti-chili-cheese mountain Batman!
  23. Glad it was a good one Stretch! It takes a little more anesthesia each year to not mind, but there you go. Cheers!
  24. MoFi SACDs
  25. She's got some great albums herself, and Trio M have a couple excellent ones. AP SACD:
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