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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. Condolences
  2. The website says Texarkana. Definitely not our Naaman, which is why I thought it was remarkable.
  3. *drooling*
  4. Is that vitello tonato ((cold veal with a tuna puree) on the right? Love that dish.
  5. I only have one. Definitely not as charred and wrinkly, but it's difficult to tell length and girth from that photo... Brunch for one, with cheesey eggs, homemade salsa (with various heirloom tomatoes, Beaver Dam peppers, and Criolla Cella peppers from the garden), avocado, a groovy little tomato, and tortilla. Mui bien.
  6. It's just one of my many forms...
  7. That's the wurst! That's the wurst!
  8. Me too
  9. Truly remarkable
  10. Just salt and pepper rub. He is the guitar hero of brisket. \m/
  11. Tacos tonight or tomorrow so we'll see! Actually, doing that post made me go nuke a left-over slice and it was quite tasty even if the bottom half was dry.
  12. Beautiful!
  13. It seems like you're doing some things wrong if it takes you four hours to shop for and prepare a few burgers and fries, but the results look tasty. With apologies to the Brisket Fairy @naamanf, I made a mini brisket yesterday with less than stellar results. I found a brisket nubbin to smoke but it was really too small and I didn't start early enough to really match the proper Brisket Fairy method to a TV. The texture didn't achieve greatness and it was too dry in the thicker and less fatty parts. Anyway, here are the results from last night's dinner. The first shot was just before wrapping in the magic pink paper and the second just after. The wrapped package sat in a cooler for 45 minutes or so until slicing.
  14. That is far more appealing than what I imagined from reading the words only in the unread content list. A bialy with salmon roe on top seemed hideous to me. :/
  15. Results
  16. I tried to smoke some spare ribs on Friday but my Traeger is still tripping the GFI breaker every time I use it. That time, it started working rather than tripping immediately so I believed I was under way. When a banged up Claire was dropped off by a neighbor after tripping and falling on a trail run, I realized that the Traeger was off and the GFI was tripped. I put the cold ribs back in the fridge. Today was my first chance to attempt to smoke them again and I could not locate a cheater plug to see if taking the ground out of the equation would work. So I decided to get audiophile on this MF. First, I tried an unused Richard Gray Audio Power Pig to see if it could deal with the issue. That seemed to work but after a few minutes the GFI popped. The next level was remembering that I have a Nirvana Audio Analogue Source power cord that does not have a ground connection. I plugged that in to power the Power Pig and viola! No tripping of the GFI. Good thing I never sell any of this shit. Claire ultimately found a cheater plug so I'm going to try that as a much simpler solution. Beyond that, I'm going to figure out why the Traeger has a ground fault when I'm not trying to cook something. :/
  17. New Gal is hawt.
  18. You do know that everyone in Florida carries a gun, right?
  19. Are you really that gull-ible?
  20. I don't care about the Blizzard but now I want a pizza all to myself. :/
  21. Open face grilled pork chop and home grown tomatoes on whole wheat bread with a side of blueberries
  22. @swt61 Paging Dr. Wood. Paging Dr. Wood.
  23. Falling into thorn bushes like you taught him probably affected his time.
  24. Snake Wrangler would know better but it seems more likely to be the 3,142nd king snake he has removed from his yard.
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