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Voltron last won the day on January 20

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About Voltron

  • Birthday March 20

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling


  • Biography
    Gear hoarder
  • Location
    San Francisco & Mayberry
  • Interests
    Family, friends, etc.
  • Occupation
    Lawyer scum
  • Hobbies
    Music, concerts, baseball, beer & cocktails
  • Headphones
    Grado: PS-1, HP-2, RS-1, HF-1, HF-2, iGrado; Sennheiser: HD800, HD650, HD600; Stax: SR-Omega, 4070, SRX Mk 3 Pro, 007, 009; AKG: K1000, K340, K701; Sony: CD3000; Ultrasone: Edition 9; Audio-Technica: AD2000; JH Audio: JH|13 Pro
  • Headphone Amps
    BHse; Luxman P-1; Moth 300B Paradigm; HeadRoom Desktop Amp/DAC (Home); TTVJ Pinnacle, FET-A; Lavry DA-10; RSA SR-71; HeadAmp Pico; Stax 007t
  • Sources
    Playback Designs MPS-5; AMG Viella V-12; Amarra Model 4; VPI Aries 3; Onix Reference 1 CDP; Dual 505; Slim Devices Squeezebox (x2); Lavry DA10; Pico
  • Other Audio Gear
    OMA Mini; Ayre K-XR; Doshi Alaap Purist Mk. II; ATC SCM50 Anniversary; Arcam DV29; Arcam AV8; McCormack DNA HT-5; Moth Cicada; Arcam Solo; Klipsch Heresy; HeadRoom Desktop Monoblocs; HeadRoom Destop PSU; Harbeth HL-P3ES2

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  1. So much for the good luck black eyed peas! Or did she skip them in favor of root beers and cookies? Yikes. Glad they eventually found it and that her appendix juice didn't do even worse damage. 😬
  2. Happy Birthday Big Bro! Cheers!
  3. Have a great one Adam! Cheers!
  4. Long live Mr DIYer!
  5. Hosting fiends!
  6. I've listened to a few frankly pretty lame mystery novels set in Ohio Amish country and they often include references to Amish white bread. While listening to the audio books I often think that I should bake some sometime, and whenever I think about it I hear "Amish white bread" in my head like the chorus to Foreigner's "Dirty White Boy." 🤘🏻 With that background, here's my first attempt which turned out pretty good and made the house smell wonderful. Small pieces with butter, with homemade tart cherry jam and with homemade apple butter all were tssty. I'll try a sandwich at some point soon.
  7. Grahame and Joanne went all in and all out for a lovely evening at Chloe the Cat's house. And the banana actually did work well with the curries, especially when doused with lime pickle. Thanks again!
  8. Guess where I'm having a curry...
  9. Maybe he finally is in the front row ... RIP Bob
  10. I still don't know where you got your burger, but the fact that the delicious burger at Amelie is rated so low and shockingly several ranks below the heinous Way Station bbq joint's burger negates the Marin Burger Club's credibility in my book.
  11. Have a great one Graeme! Cheers!
  12. My friend and former secretary has asked me -- and now Steve -- to build some cabinets for a pantry area next to the kitchen at her new house. That project will take a while to percolate but I decided to build here a kitchen island in the meantime to replace a table she has been using to expand her counter space. Her cabinets have a dark cherry stain so at first I was going to go paint grade to avoid clashing. Rooting around the shop, however, I found enough figured maple boards for the main pieces and thought that would fit well so I went for it. I had to buy the prefab butcher block top and maple 1x3s for the slats below, but all the other maple and one plywood for the drawers and cabinet bottom were in the shop. It's hard to tell from the photos but the figuring on the cabinet and drawer fronts is really pretty. She wanted a knife drawer and another for large cooking utensils, so that's what she got. The knife blocks are maple with non tarnishing felt. Very happy with the results, except that I don't love the coloring of the butcher block. Terri loves it but may not be able to use it fully until she can get over the idea of marring it. 😂
  13. Who were you trying to ensnare?
  14. Peter Yarrow was officially or unofficially the godfather of Claire's step cousin. We attended her wedding years ago and Peter played and sang Puff the Magic Dragon at the reception. Nice man.
  15. Happy hopefully covid-free birthday Knucks! Cheers!
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