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Everything posted by Aimless1

  1. x2 on the Kohler. Like the appearance of the one you posted Steve.
  2. ~Happy Birthday!~
  3. I'm with you John. Skill set I wish I had. See me with a tool in my hands and run for YOUR own safety.
  4. I would like to think I could make Chicago.
  5. ~Happy Birthday!~
  6. Congrats Larry. Stick with it.
  7. Heal well Shelly.
  8. Shelly - sending good thoughts your way. Jacob - Congrats on the new job. Party in Cincinnati in the near future?
  9. ~Happy Birthday!~
  10. Here! Here! Thank you for your service.
  11. ~Happy Birthday!~
  12. ~Happy Birthday!~
  13. CJ has a thirst for knowledge after all.
  14. ^^^true, dat
  15. I think you'll really like the Peak/Volcano. This is a seriously nice combo.
  16. Wishing the best for you, your father, your friend and your grand father..
  17. Dan's spot on. You can not succeed if you haven't failed. Great question for your father.
  18. CJ, your father earned that knowledge by 20+ years of hands on experience. I've been in my career (insurance) for 40 years. I would like to think that I'm as well rounded in my area of expertise as your father is at this Time, baptism by fire, application of knowledge, and failure all contribute to the final outcome.
  19. Ditto. I like talking to Todd and have always ordered by phone.
  20. ~Happy Birthday!~
  21. Jacob - WTF? I'm speechless. Bryan - have fun We had an interesting evening. I got home, poured a Famous Grouse, sat down to enjoy it and the door bell rings. My wife answers and a stranger asks for my oldest daughter. Karyl explains she doesn't live here and the stranger asks if she is her mother. Karyl asks why she wants to know. Stranger asks her again. I ask what she wants. Get the same response. Tell my wife to shut and lock the door. Instead of leaving the stranger alternately rings the door bell and knocks on the front door. I call the county Sheriff. Eventually the lady goes and sits in her car. Then she goes and parks it in front of the house. Finally the Sheriff arrives and according to him gives him attitude as well. That doesn't go over well. He finally finds out she is a process server and sends her her way. Nice talk to the deputy, have another scotch. Call my youngest daughter and wish her a 26th Happy Birthday. Call my oldest daughter and explain a process server stopped by today. Don't get an explanation but she doesn't seem surprised Since she is now 30 decide it is her problem and she obviously does't want my help. Have a third scotch, eat dinner and relax.
  22. John, great post. rythymdevils, look at the membership here. Think back to those great reviews by Voltron or ASR or others, but note they're posted over there .... where they belong.
  23. I've had a hellish work week and came in early to move some stuff off my desk. Fucking global lock on the computer, and I'm the only one in the building. Just a great start to my Friday.
  24. Agreed. Doesn't alter my previous opinion. I'm okay with not being perfect. Thanks for your update Kevin. Analogy applied to the wrong situation and I was wrong.
  25. Everyone (in the free world) has the right to disagree with what governments decree by law, regulation, taxes, duties, fees & etc. But I'm with dsavitsk on this issue. You can disagree without breaking the law. You can protest, fight for change or refuse to buy/import/export. When you disobey you become anarchists, liars, cheats, frauds, tieives, & etc. You may believe "everyone does it". I don't No amount of posturing, debate or argument will cause either side to change their view. Jim, you're right. We'll have to agree to disagree.
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