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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Aimless1

  1. That sucks Jacob.
  2. ^^^ x1 All the best Todd.
  3. Happy Birthday Marc!
  4. I'm all for giving someone an opportunity to make things right - privately. If they don't, then all bets are off and out in the open with it. Not sure, but I think Birgir did let Alex know and was rebuffed. At least I seem to recall reading that somewhere but I don't actively follow these threads.
  5. All the best for your Mom, your family and for you Brent.
  6. happy birthday!
  7. Welcome to the 6 decade club. Happy Birthday!
  8. New first for me. Bird hunting with Nitro having a great time. Had wardrobe malfunction (NO, not that kind). My knee brace slipped which basically means I have to disrobe to adjust it. Got back to the car. Uh oh. No keys! Yep, lost the keys in the woods adjusting the brace. Backtracked but not that lucky. Finally got the car flat bedded 40 miles to get a key for it in the morning. No doubt a story to tell later.
  9. Happy Birthday!
  10. Happy Birthday!
  11. Happy Birthday!
  12. Happy Birthday Vicky! Wishing you an awesome day.
  13. Heal quickly Zoe. Spent 8 hours on the road, passed deer, turkeys and 10 miles from my destination almost hit tow feral hogs. Pulled in the driveway and thought it was Foxfire reenactment with a skinned deer hanging from a pole and two guys butchering it. 4 onlookers. Maybe it was the feral hogs that made me think that, I don't know. Rustic cabin on a pretty little lake with the fall colors reflecting off the calm surface. Nitro's first bird hunting trip. Hopefully we'll stumble across a few birds tomorrow ... but not the hogs.
  14. I've cut myself with electrics, disposables and multi blade razors. Hasn't happened yet with the safety razor (it will). I'm no expert on technique, but I learned quickly that a rigid wrist, short strokes and taking your time matter. I have not tried with shaving cream (canned) but the wool fat soap seems to provide superior protection for the face. The razor glides. It does not pull. I'm sure part of the allure is the nostalgia of watching my father shave this way.
  15. As usual I'm a late adopter, but just acquired an Edwin Jagger de89 barley razor, brush & chose the wool fat soap. Working through a sample pack of blades and feathers are on my list of those I want to try. I really like this soap. Weird, started on an electric, used disposables for awhile, have used a Gillette Sensor off and on through the years (perhaps one of the best shaves a multi balde razor ever produced) and back to electrics. I actually find using the brush/soap/safery razor both relaxing and enjoyable.
  16. Aimless1

    New Puppy

    Hope you had a quiet night with the new puppy. Pretty stressful for them in new surroundings. Congratulations. If she doesn't already own your heart, she will.
  17. Red Flannel Festival in Cedar Springs. Longest parade ever. Marching bands, floats, several queens and their courts including the Festival queen. Took our grand son so we could be ripped off by the carnival vendors, but he had a great time.
  18. Happy Birthday!
  19. Happy Birthday!
  20. On Mackinac Island for a company function. No motorized vehicles. Walk, bike or horse drawn is the only way to get around. Wi-Fi is dial up. Hey, at least we have water, electric and heat. Took a ferry to the island. Can see the Mackinaw bridge. Weather is great. Room sucks but no out of pocket expenses. Have a function toattend shortly and another tomorrow night. Lots of free time.
  21. Good news Larry. Glad you got something.
  22. Woot! Smart taking it slow.
  23. Happy Birthday Jim! Hope you have an awesome day!
  24. Just occurred to me that I probably posted about Quest in the wrong thread. Sorry. I was and I am upset. Tonight he is full of piss and vinegar. Took him to the vet. Narrowed it down to either an cardiac event or a neurological episode. Ruled out epilepsy and Lyme disease. So we don't know. Ordered blood work which I don't expect to show anything. This going as expected. Karyl pointed out the similarities to Patch who had a brain tumor. She is probably right in which case it is a death watch of unknown duration..
  25. My first dog (appropriately named Whisky as he drove me to drink) had epilepsy. Scary but treatable. I don't believe this is what Quest is experiencing. I think he is having a heart event ... probably heart attacks. Patch had a brain tumor that gave similar symptoms. I can see where my use of seizure to describe what happens sounds like epilepsy. I didn't mean to be misleading.
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