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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Aimless1

  1. Happy Birthday!
  2. Awesome Jim.
  3. Much too young. RIP Glenn. Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
  4. Waiting to take it home
  5. After driving and looking at several vehicles and devouring reviews Karyl chose the Ford Fusion SE with the 1.5L eco boost engine in Sunset. Car will be here Wednesday. Tricked out with the options she considers important. Since it is her vehicle my opinion doesn't matter, but I would have chosen the same. You could flip a coin and choose a Mazda 6 or Camry, but this works for us. Those three are pretty close. I have not paid more than invoice for any vehicle since 1997. This deal was $2300 under invoice. Don't really know if that is considered good or not, but I'm happy with the deal. Nothing like real world negotiation skills honed in West Michigan. I learned through baptism by fire so to speak. Just hope she is as happy with this as the '93 Accord Limited Edition & 02 GTZ.
  6. Happy Birthday!!!
  7. Good news Nate! The last well isn't likely to dry up in our lifetime. If it were me I would be looking for a 2011/2012 no matter what I was purchasing. Karyl prefers to buy them new and keep forever. Thanks Ken! The Mazda 6 is in the mix.
  8. I don't like cars, don't like spending money on an item I view as pure expense and don't care for the process. I do enjoy the negotiation oddly enough. Looking for my bride so mid size sedans. Replacing an '02 Galant GTZ. So far I have found the Accord most disappointing and the Fusion most surprising. I think the only one we haven't seen is the Sonata & Optima in the under 30K bracket. Reviews help but nothing like seeing/driving a vehicle to make an informed decision. At least the process for me is nearing the end.
  9. car shopping. ugh!
  10. Hoping for the best Steve.
  11. Happy Birthday!
  12. Sorry for your loss Bigguy. RiP Bruce.
  13. R.I.P. Princess Lacey She died last night at only 8 years old. I have followed this story from the beginning of the college basketball season. Lacey Holsworth and Adrienne Payne have touched my life and made it better. May her spirit burn brightly. If you care to see more http://www.freep.com/article/20140409/SPORTS07/304090082/lacey-holsworth-michigan-state-video.
  14. Happy Birthday Zach!
  15. Happy Birthday!!!
  16. Happy Birthday!
  17. Awesome Shelly!
  18. Wishing you a purrfect birthday!
  19. Happy Birthday!!!
  20. Friday away from work? Dang, what a shame Mike Seems like you're doing fine. .
  21. All the best Mike.
  22. From Al to Al ... Happy Birthday!!!
  23. Indy for the Big Ten men's basketball tournament. Two great games yesterday and a dream match up today for me. Indy has been fun and downtown is a great place to visit. St Patrick's festivities, Comic Con and the tournament. Good food and plenty to drink. Hang in with my daughter has been great. Almost scary how much alike we are.
  24. Happy Birthday!!!
  25. Happy Birthday Fitz!
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