Agree. I can only tolerate the HD800 on OTL tube amps...the HD800 sounds pretty awesome on the Menace. For the LCD2 I think the Dynahi and B22 are the best amps I've heard.
I agree the LCD2 has a pretty similar frequency response to the O2 as I said back when I owned the LCD2. The O2mk1 sounds like it has a dip in the upper mids which makes everything sound good on it but can ruin the sound of trumpets for instance, while the LCD2 sounds like it has a dip in the entire treble which gives it a suffocating type of sound. I liked the LCD2 a lot for rock/pop/hiphop, but for classical it sounded quite artificial, especially with strings, by glossing over the finest details of instruments which give them a more 'true to life' representation. I find the same true of the LCD3. The O2 and electrostats in general certainly don't suffer from this same problem which is probably why I like them a lot for classical. Another major issue with the LCD2 is the lack of air in the recording. Sure the soundstage might be similar in size to the O2's, but there is no air around and between instruments which gives everything a 'music in an anechoic chamber' type of sound. Some people call this intimacy but I personally can't stand it. It's especially apparent on live recordings. I think Audeze will eventually find a way to solve some of these issues while maintaining some of the ortho strengths and when they do I'll be waiting in line to buy.