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High Rollers
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Everything posted by n3rdling

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgFAq9Q8l8U
  2. Happy bday colin!!
  3. Happy bday!
  4. Buy used or DIY*
  5. This was a great meet! Was nice seeing a bunch of you HCers there particleman and Elysian start posting here more, I know you're lurking!
  6. n3rdling


    Pioneer VSX-1021-K 7.1 Channel A/V Receiver $300 after code: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?SID=u0t0f0fp68459dd0c0s701&AID=10440897&PID=1225267&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-_-cables-_-na-_-na&Item=N82E16882117395 Pioneer SP-BS21-LR Bookshelf Loudspeakers $50 after code: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?SID=u1752050t0f0fp68477dd0c0s701&AID=10440897&PID=1225267&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-_-cables-_-na-_-na&Item=N82E16882117405
  7. Maybe this can get the TakeT kinda loud
  8. This machine kills citizens.
  9. Got mine thanks rodrigo
  10. You're paying for v caps
  11. Don't the output devices reach something like 10%+ THD on the darkstar?
  12. Stax SR5, HD580, or T50rp with some mods
  13. I also like the deathbed scene just because the Requiem is totally badass.
  14. My favorite part of the movie I'm obsessed with that oboe
  15. Should be fun
  16. Just use hot glue, Eric style
  17. rip
  18. Luisssss!!! Happy bday
  19. Old receiver with a bass control
  20. happy bday dawg
  21. LCD2rev2 looks to have less distortion, cleaner square waves, less rolled off treble but all the differences look pretty minor.
  22. Happy bday Andy!
  23. happy bday
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