Ok, I'm not an audiophile, won't pretend to be either. My main interest is computing but the obsession tends to spread like a virus from high end computers, to desks, chairs, and audio. Many years back, when I wanted a decent computer sound system, I ended up with the reasonable $400 VideoLogic Sirocco Crossfires. These served me well and I've never really had any major complaints with the actual sound, but a few years into them I stopped using the rear speakers and subwoofer all together as I found my needs and tastes changing (the rears are no longer connected, the sub is, but the control for it is turned 95% of the way down).
Then somewhere along the line, a great deal came up on here or head-fi or some other site I no longer remember with HD600s being sold at around $300 or so. That was when I got my first taste of high end audio. Even though they were being powered by my lower end VideoLogic amp, I still loved the hell out of them. And I've been using the HD600s for several hours a day ever since.
So that brings me to current day. My amp's headphone jack has fallen apart, most likely from being constantly violated by the HD600s, My HD600s have been recabled and the cushy parts have (somewhat) fallen apart. Over all though, I simply just want to upgrade and I feel like I've had absolutely no path for quite some time now. Every time I check the PC speaker market, it looks like it has gone backwards instead of forwards.
About 2 weeks ago, I had finally planned that my next move would be from the "pc speaker" world straight into the full home audio world with whatever I needed to acquire, speakers, amps, recievers, etc. I was willing to read and learn whatever needed to occur to make this happen. Then 3 days later I stumbled across the Headroom's desktop package and realized someone may have created exactly what I've been looking for. However, the price was a big jump for someone who was doing ok on $400, to go to $5000... it's not so much that I can't afford it, but the dollar gap in between those products cannot be denied.
I guess my problem is that I've never dealt with digital audio. So I got as far as this page and then said "WTF? USB?". I mean, I want high end audio, but I actually want this thing to be compatible with everything my computer can do also. That means games, movies, etc. I realize the setup can allow for other configurations and read a few threads about the subject but did not seem to get the clarity I was looking for. I'm willing to use USB as long as that is 100% perfect compatability if not, I'm willing to buy whatever sound card I need to (short of Creative Labs, may they rot in hell) as long as it will work properly with the desktop configuration.
Feel free to tell me to RTF<url> because I'm willing to read any source of info at this point that is actually helpful but I can't promise I'll understand it.
Cliffs for those who hate reading:
1. Is headroom's desktop package the right move to make for someone who plays games (old and new), runs Vista64, and listens to music via foobar?
2. What's the deal with USB? Is that the method I want to use?