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Everything posted by Blackmore

  1. Now I see where that alien stuff are comming from
  2. I mena, listen to it right now, man, she is hot on it, but not only...Music is great, never dull, energetic and the same time fluent/smooth, I LOVE IT!
  3. They already think I am KGB agent, damn idiots, KGB is ME, ME is KGB, so, who is the fucking agent...
  4. THX man...feels better now...well, just a little...
  5. Recorded in Groningen Holland...
  6. Next time I will go home...
  7. My wife said to me, just relax, must be so, next time you will get your chance and laugh about this one...Yeah, blah, blah, blah...Unison Research Unico valve CD player on eBay, also, CD Players, Home Audio Hi Fi, Consumer Electronics (end time 18-Dec-08 16:30:00 GMT) Pffff...maybe she is right:cool:
  8. Blackmore's Night "Past Times With Good Company" live
  9. I just missed the auction of CDP, man, fucking IT people, at my office, just make impossible to bid, damnnnnnn.... We had an X-mas drink at our canteen, so, I went to my PC to make my fucking bid to UNISON CDP, but they have planned some fucking upgrade at the same time, cos everyone was away from their PC's, so, INTERNET simply was DOWN for 10 minutes, while the auction was ending in the same 10 minutes time, CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!? Only one thing I can say, FUCK... Sorry for all that fuck, just pissed...
  10. Seems that honey does wonders, at work again... Come on guys, use more honey and we will sing BZZZ song ,all together, after all...
  11. And here is his big brother Denon DP S-1, HOLLY SHMOLLY:o
  12. Have you ever tried one? Looks like siriouse 20kg shit to me, isnt?
  13. Malene Mortensen "Malene"
  14. Nice, cos up here its free ( covered by insurance, so not exactly free ) for people with age of 50+, just guessing, but for me would cost like EUR 25, I think, cos my age isnt in the risk zone yet... Will call my GP tomorrow...
  15. Just wonder how much this flu shot cost, in your place I mean. Hoping we all get better a.s.a.p.
  16. Welcome to the alien club:cool:
  17. Blackmore


  18. Kenny Barron Trio "Live at Bradley's II" the perfect set
  19. This thing is on my wish list as well, flu shot I mean, next time going to take one...
  20. Just killing me, cant drink, smoke and sleep, cos of coughing damn shit... Drinking tea with honey all day long and starting to feel like fucking bee:palm:
  21. Branford Marsalis quartet "Eternal"
  22. F....g amusing
  23. Moral Codex
  24. JonLord "Beyond The Notes"
  25. Steve Kuhn Trio
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