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Everything posted by Blackmore

  1. Have got a good deal on ECC82 Mullards CV4003 tubes, so I took it, will be interesting to hear the differences, if any will appear...
  2. pair of ECC82 Mullards CV4003 tubes
  4. I am more interested in Tung Sols Black glass, which are quite rare, like 6SU7 Brown based with Black glass as well. The last one I own and really like in my EAR, so I thought I am going to give it a shut to these 12AU7, but was wonder if anybody could say some more about them... Amperex, Telefunkens smooth/ribbed, Mullards all kind, Sylvania 5814a gold pins are all known and if I cant get cheap these Tung sols I may buy some Telefunkens Smooth plates one... THX
  5. What I must say? Thank you for your great review, but on the other hand, I "hate" you... As for the tubes, get E88CC Philips SQ gold pins Holland made and you are done...
  6. Never have had an Japanese release, so, thought to give it a shut E.S.T. Esbj
  7. Have a great one guys!
  8. I am looking for some matched pair of 12au7, which I may want to put in my new source/cdp, but not sure which one to choose, so, I need your advice please. Any other options are welcome. First are Telefunkens Smooth Plate, but I am not sure what ever they are fake or not, looks real to me, but what you think Another pair are TUNG SOL's Black Glas
  9. As an collecting item of limited product I would agree with the high price tag, but as an headphones they aren't worth that much, imo. The highest I would pay is their basic price, which was EUR 1000, I believe. The funny thing is, when I putted GS1k pads on them, they sounded damn close to them, which made me think that GS1k was twicked from PS-1. Soon I am going to listen to them again, but then with better source, so I can make my mind what ever I want them or not, cos I don't see me to choose PS-1 above GS1k when I listen to any genre, except ROCK and that's pretty limited, imo. p.s. Of course if you hate/don't like/cant stand GS1000, PS-1 are the only Grado I would own.
  10. Just would like to thank everyone for their imput/advice, thanks guys... Make my mind and bought Van den Hul D102III Hybrid XLR cable. The deal was good and I just took it. THX.
  11. Van den Hul D102III Hybrid XLR cable
  12. Have a great one!
  13. So many things inside, but not a single VALVE, did I miss something...
  14. At the moment not less than 90 cm, dont have enough space to make it more compact, so this is it. Normaly it could be like 50 cm only...
  15. Thanks guys, but how about Cardas Crosslink from MoonAudio? I bought an Dh Labs Custom BL-1 Interconnects rca from Drew time ago, but not sure if this one would be the one, so maybe Cardas:confused: I really like DH LABS, gives all detail, speed, clarity, while Cardas is a bit warmer, I guess... AudiogoN ForSale: Cardas Crosslink http://www.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cls.pl?cablintr&1236342379
  16. I am waiting for my new source, which I am willing to use through balanced way, so which one would be the best choice for the money please. Budget no more than USD 100, for a pair of course. THX
  17. Are you donating or what? Not sure if Unico would benefit from Mullards, but who knows...
  18. Indeed sir... Thanks guys, yes, been searching on net for some time now, so, I am kind of satisfied at the moment. As for the sound, must wait until its here, so I can be sure that everything are o.k.
  19. Man, tell you this, my AKG K1000 were sold to finance Zana Deux and Zana gone after I bought EAR, so, to do so I must buy K1000 again, which wouldnt happened in the short period of time or ever... If my financial situation will allow me to build K1000 rig in the future, I believe I am going to look at speakers with vinyl set up first. Dreams comes true, sometimes... ps I have listened to fully Unison Research speaker set up and that was great, so, there is no reason for doubts that it may sound beautiful with K1000 as well.
  20. Thanks guys, I truly hope for the best. I have tried this CDP in someone else set up, man, it was great sounding system, so, just waiting and see how it will be doing in my... Good thing that I am pretty known with ECC82=12AU7 tubes, so, I know where to look at it, at least I know who to send the mail for some nice match pair...
  21. Unison Research Unico CDP
  22. This is kind of cliche, but I just bought/won the same Unison Research Unico CDP 30 minutes ago, the same money, but with 12 month warranty... Really exiting about it, cos, finally I will get some real high end source. It runs both ways, solid state and tube output stages. RCA are solid state and XLR are running on 2x ECC82 tubes, one per channel, which I will be using as main, I think. More to come...
  23. When are you going to tell us about new source and K1000;) Thats a good deal. Never understand people who wouldnt ship outside their own place. If you can get this through buy it and do not think about serial number shit...
  24. This is the best part of exchange thing, to get something you may never try and thats what I have got. Above that, Steve bought 2 CDs cos he didnt knew if I like it or not, very friendly of him. Basicaly, we knew what we like, so, it was easier for us to focus, but still kind of surprise after all.
  25. The Wynton Kelly trio - Full View
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