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Everything posted by Blackmore

  1. You are quite right, I can not use both at the same time, even if I choose, using my EAR RCA/XLR selector, if two pairs of cable are connected its creates distortion, which dont make it possible to listen, so, I use only one at the time. And no, there is not selector on CD player, cos if it was it would be possible, I guess... THX
  2. KEES did it the same, only using ASUS EEE PC and very happy with the results, but he is using it as home set up with external hard drive to ASUS then to external CD drive to his DA12 DAC from Marantz, done...
  3. Seems not, here is the anwer from Unison Research tech dep in UnicoCD we use a single stereo DAC with balanced outputs, the balanced signal goes to a hibrid (tube + BJT) differential stage that drives both XLR and RCA output.
  4. Here is the answer from Unison Research tech department. in UnicoCD we use a single stereo DAC with balanced outputs, the balanced signal goes to a hibrid (tube + BJT) differential stage that drives both XLR and RCA output.
  5. As far as I know, only XLR are tube based. What pics do you need more to get an idea?
  6. I hope this would help a bit, best I could do
  7. Will try upload tonight, thanks
  8. Ahh, pity, its quite nice CD player, at least to try out. Do you think it have an real tube balanced output stage? Technically, I am not skilled at all. Which transport he had, TEAC or ASUS, like my.
  9. Ups, yeah, pretty... How do you like your Unico and which tube are you using at the moment. You did bought one, am I mistaking?
  10. I am not sure if I can post this, but here is the link to this article, which I found very interesting to read Stereophile: Tim de Paravicini: King of Tubes Now I am wonder what kind of balanced output configuration my Unico have, because of this: "Lots of people have made so-called valve CD players with a couple of token tubes. Most of them don't actually address the problem correctly, because a lot of them, if they're going to offer balanced outputs, actually go back into op-amps to do the balanced output configuration. So they've got this token tube doing not very much". Here is some article about Unico and how it works with output thing http://www.audioenz.co.nz/2004/unico_cd.shtml The signal travels through a gain stage with two 5814 tubes (a milspec version of the ECC82/12AU7, one per channel) and finally to a mosfet output stage with proprietary power supply and precision non-switching regulators which can handle voltage variations of up to +/- 20%, hence the need for a rear heatsink.
  11. I think EU price would be +/- EUR 1750, doubt they will sell bunch of them up here in Holland. Actually I am a bit worry about their build quality as well, cos for such metal housing they schould re-design the hold part of the headband to.
  12. Have a great one!
  13. Not sure why, but I always had the feeling that John up to something, especially with that GS1k prototype thing. Just wonder, if PS1000 are so smooth in the beginning, how will they sound, say, after 200-300 hours, cos I do not need overal LUSH sound, to tell you the true. If this is not the case, than the whole talk about GS1k prototype only proves that John kept them for later upgrade, which is PS1000. Is there any talk about how limited they will be? I hope they would produce them just as other models with no limitations. Another thing, how about transparency? I did own PS1 several times and tried them vs GS1000 for extended time, but every time I choose GS1k above. Yes PS1 are very good phones, but for the money they are sells these days, they are not, imo. They look quite cool...
  14. HPBRTHDY!!!
  15. Before I start would like to say that this is my first CD player, which I can call HIGH END. Not because of his MSRP price only, but for his futures and quality of sound level of course. Another thing is, I am not an professional reviewer, but somebody who write about things based pure on emotional experience of music listening. As last one to mention, my XLR cables aren't fully burn yet, they need about 100 hours, but I do hear changes already ( +/- 30 hours ), become more fuller and warmer than the first 20 hours, I believe. System: Unison Research Unico CD player uses 2x ECC82=12AU7 NATIONAL 5814A ( re-branded Sylvania 5814A ), Mullard ECC82 CV4003 1960, Tung Sols Black Glass around 1950's, D-getter, black plate. Yoshino EAR HP4 headphone amplifier uses 4x 6SU7 (same as 6SL7 ) Tung Sol Black Glass, brown base 2x 1945 & 2x 1950, NOS 1950's Sylvania 6SL7GWT O getter, black plate, brown base. Tung Sol 1945's Sylvania 6SL7GWT 1950'S Van Den Hul D102III Hybrid XLR cable Grado GS1000 stock Some music: Diana Krall, E.S.T. Esbj
  16. Happy belated Birthday!
  17. Just received my, bought used, and wonder which year of release are yours please. My is from year 1988 made in Germany with old fashion big double CD case. Looks like the first run, but I am not sure, cos most of what I see on Ebay now are year 2000. I was simply wondering if there any quality differences between 1988 and say 2000. To know this you have to hear them side by side, so, maybe someone had the chance to do so, please share then...Not that my are bad, but its just 20 years old, quite exceptional, for me anyway. THX
  18. Have a great one!
  19. Have a great one!
  20. The main reason why I sold them was need in funds, but, if I must be critical they are definitely need an good portable amp. This is a bit out of topic, but the most positive shock I have got with them was when I used them with Zana, but the short cable and not that great comfort starting annoying you, especially cable. I would say, if you don't have some high end hp at home, they would offer you some nice all-round solution, but when you use them like 20-30 minutes a day as portable, yeah I know, I walk to my work, then think again, cos there are some other hp up there, like ES7, which fit my portable needs fully...Huge step up from K81DJ, imo. If you can, try them first, amped and without one.
  21. Soundwise they are on the warm side, but if you want to get best out of them, amp may be need it. Comfort is better than K81DJ, they are lighter and do not push that much in the beginning. The fact that they arent fully circumaural makes them slightly less comfy, but if you use them daily they will become better, however your ears will sweat sometimes, well, my did...
  22. They should let you do the loan program, imo... Try some Grado's with it pls:cool:
  23. Thanks, matches quite good with the rest as well. Yeah, just still wonder what differences are there. Have got an answer from Unison and if I want to change to TEAC, there are some mods need it first, but I am totally fine with ASUS so far, however both of them are not without flaws... Thanks, looks nice indeed, but sounds very good, especially after I changed NATIONALS to the new TUNG SOL tubes.
  24. I can only compare to NATIONAL's 5814A (re-branded Sylvania 5814A) and Mullards CV4003, cos I never tried any Tele's in my new source... National's sounds quite nice, not to warm or analytical either, but miss authority, which means everything there, but on midclass level. They doesnt support or would I say their limitations are absorbing the quality, like when you are trying to say something from the text, but the text isnt full enough to express the last point... Mullards are very nice, but their lushness kills the detail and the velvety low end isnt the way I would like to walk, to round. They were great with some ROCK, but for critical listening, where every single thing are important, their veil is to obvious. Tung Sols are just right there in the gold middle, having great detail and extention without be to analytical or harsh, reproducing of bass with brilliant detail and tightness I was missing and soundstage which isnt artificial. All by all quite natural and very musical sound.
  25. Bad economy?
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