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Everything posted by Blackmore

  1. For the watching movies it could be nice choice, but music comes like crap to you. However I never tried these, I do own AKG HEARO 888 DIGITAL, so I know some shit about wireless.
  2. Just sell all that shit you not use...
  3. Something reminds me DeepPurple song < Picture of Innocence> from "Bananas" No deals, No strokes No forbidden fruit No holy smoke What next, no sex That's the end of the road That's the end of the road We got no hope
  4. Have a great one!
  5. All you freaks, probably never been in Amsterdam, are you:cool:
  6. Sorry to hear that, sincere condolences.
  7. DeepTrance vol X Strange Attractor METTLE
  8. С днём рождения!
  9. Have a great one!
  10. Have a great one!
  11. Pair of 6550 Tung Sols
  12. Zana's bass is amazing, but Yoshino is faster with delicacy that Zana can only dream of, so, just wonder what would this SE edition sounds like...
  13. Thanks for update, hmmm, so my guess would be that the midrange and low end, slightly, make them differ/better than GS1k, isnt? Well, I would say it again, not that such thing would make any difference up here, but I never have had any midrange issues with my GS1k if the record quality were at good level. EAR HP4 is the best thing I tried them with and maybe the last I ever will. Hopefully more folks will get PS1000 soon to make the picture bit complete. And I did like GS1000 more than any other Grado, include PS1... THX
  14. They are quite cool looking, not sure if anyone up here ever tried them, but USD 15k, wow, that must be something, considering they going to make 120 of them only... McIntosh Reissues Classic 60s Amps, Price Adjusted for Inflation — Reviews and News from Audioholics
  15. Happy Birthday!
  16. Thanks guys for updates, keep coming, however I already bought PrimaLuna ProLouge Two integrated KT88 based amp, here some pics of it. I will post some impressions, based on my set up, later, but here are some from seller set up. Sources: NAIM5 with retail of EUR 2300, Ayre CX7E latest, upgrated version, retails for EUR 3999 Speakers: Sonus Faber Auditor M, retails for EUR 4250 Cables: Cardas all of them Amp: PrimaLuna ProLouge Two with stock tubes, fully burned, retails EUR 1650 Ear speakers: AKG K1000 I started with NAIM and wasnt impressed, just listened to it for the whole hour with some strong feeling that I was missing a lot. After some break I switched to Ayre and man, was that an relief or what? Just after first few seconds it become quite clear what it was. Long story shorter, Ayre is much easier, without been laid back, much extended/detailed, without been harsh, having magic clarity and huge space, without been analytical, great musicality and delicacy, without been to lush or not natural sounding. Naim, by comparisson, is darker, duller and not musical, kind of hard sounding, if I can say so. For such retail price is not my thing at all and thats not the amp fault, cos having tried Ayre made it clear. As last , but not least, I finished my session listened to Sonus Faber speakers. Man, if you look at their finish, simply beautiful, but thats not all. I never expected such sound from small thing like that, really impressive. Great imagine with quite remarkable reproduction, actually remind me some electrostats. When you close the eyes you simply forget you listen to speakers, brilliant. There was one thing that didnt kept with more efficient guys and that was low end, bit loosy, however didnt expirianced such thing with K1000. Not sure what ever it was speakers limitations or maybe from amp, but the seller guy told me speakers. The imagine I did expirianced with speakers are quite the same on K1000, very clear and easy to place the band, brilliant vocals with overall balance. Well, that all by now, my amp need some burn time, but from out of box it wasnt that far away from Ayre set up, which is an good thing... More later...
  17. BlueJeans XLR female > RCA pair
  18. Are you already dronk, cos I am. Happy birthday man!
  19. If you refering to my post, it is. Bought it today, after 3 hours of audition, 2,5 hours with K1000 and rest with Sonus Faber Auditor M. Sources were Naim5 and Ayre CX7E last, upgraded version.
  20. PrimaLuna Prolouge Two
  21. Oehlbach Banana pins B3
  22. Good choice, especially from this baby, looks very cool. I remember listened to them from out of Zana&EAR, man, that was truly open eye for me, cos they do shine from an good amp.
  23. Not sure if this would be an good idea, but we can make a pool running and someone who closer to the price tag will get the bank, USD 5 or less a head.
  24. I think this amp will cost like USD 7500 or something...
  25. Maybe ATH ESW9
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