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Old Pa

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Everything posted by Old Pa

  1. Whatever; to each his own. I believe it was Woody Allen who suggested it roughly doubled your chances for a date any given Saturday night, and he would know. Just clear it with him and the wife before the first big "double feature". Now, is this going to be the first drive-in home theater on your block? Are you going with the standard southern drive-in motif or branching out? I had to buy both of those books since I could not get them from my library. If you could borrow them, that might be better as I have found little use for mine since I finished the project.
  2. I'll let everybody else go erudite and demonstrate their fine tastes, finer knowledge and big bankrolls. I like wine with dinner and also incorporate wines I would drink in my cooking. It is my contention that wines should start out as really outstanding fruit juices and then get improved by the reset of the wine making process. I decided several years ago that there was nothing wrong with a high-end plastic bag with a valve in a box as a delivery system, just with the cheap plonk that started out being associated with it. Indeed, it's nice to be able to get one glass of wine without opening a new bottle. I have tried most of the TJ's TBC line and have not gone back for another bottle of any, but that's just me. After looking around and sampling several Californian, French and Italian wines now presented in boxes, I found several I thought were pretty good. Black Box in a line of good California wines presented in high-tech box delivery systems. I have made their Pinot Grigo or Chardonney my every day white and their Cabernet Sauvignon my regular red. They are about $22 for a three liter box locally, or $15 at Sam's Club. I would recommend them for your consideration.
  3. That's not a separate thought, right? Anyway, congratulations. Concrete floor should supply a good surface to spike mount to and isolate speakers and components. You may want to dig out copies of F. Alton Everest's "Master Handbook of Acoustics" and Robert Harley's "The Complete Guide to High-End Audio" for their sections on acoustic treatments for rooms. For example, by using Sonex acoustic panels on the wall behind my B&W Nautilus 800s, I was able to avoid having them another foot or two out into the room. Reduced slap-echo, too. Planning is important, but have fun.
  4. Only the first day of winter and the "hat hair" is already being competitively scored. bah. -10F and clear as a bell.
  5. That lake effect snow would make me think about moving. As it is, Fall got cold early and then snowy here. We're having a real winter as well. 5-6 inches of snow Saturday into Sunday and then -11F. We're forecast for another 2-6 inches tonight and tomorrow. I am fully refamiliarized with all my snow removal equipment. Nobody is laughing at the full sets of winter tires on both vehicles this year. With almost two feet stacked next to the drive, "space management" is becoming interesting should this keep up.
  6. Six grand for openers from Bologna, huh? Pass.
  7. That is just how they are. Lola (on her back) is four years old today. Eat your heart out.
  8. Thanks. You are too kind. Pretty hard to screw up with the subject matter presented.
  9. This year's Spaniels' Fall Vacation was not so good for sunrises. This is probably the best of the bunch: Nikon D300 with AF-S Nikkor 12-24mm 1:4 G ED, three RAW images HDR merged through PhotoShop. The Rosie-and-Lola show.
  10. That inhaling of batteries sounds a little like an internal short. Hopefully an individual item malady. Well the $241 price was enticing for the tech. I did some websearch on it without running into a bunch of other people's problems. And it is the newer MI model, so maybe any initial teething problems have been addressed. So now we just hope for the best, right? You pay yer money, you take yer chances.
  11. Suunto X9 MI GPS watch.
  12. We're in the "happy time" now with many seasonal dark ales coming to market. Summit Brewing's Porter and Winter ales are availalbe at good prices locally. Not to mention some snappy attire.
  13. Although I'll probably live to regret it . . .
  14. Happy Birthday again, Haj!.
  15. Columbia River Kife & Tool's My Tighe self-assisted with partially serrated blade. Had one in my pocket for almost a year now; Wee-Strom approved! Occasionally on sale at SierraTradingPost.com.
  16. I've been enjoying a 46" Sharp for the last year after getting it with free shipping last December. Viewing distance is about ten feet. Liked it so much, I got SWMBO a 32" for her office. Should be some good deals out there after Friday. Still mostly nothing worth watching on cable and Comcast digital is a bad joke.
  17. Old Pa


    A young man goes into the Job Center in Downtown Los Angeles, and sees a card advertising for a Gynecologist's Assistant. Interested, he goes to learn more; "Can you give me some more details?" he asks the clerk. The clerk pulls up the file and says, "The job entails getting the ladies ready for the gynecologist. You have to help the women out of their underwear, lay them down and carefully wash their private regions, then apply shaving foam and gently shave off the hair, then rub in soothing oils so that they're ready for the gynecologist's examination. There's an annual salary of $65,000, but you're going to have to go to Albuquerque New Mexico .. That's about 620 miles from here." "Good grief, is that where the job is?" "No sir --- that's where the end of the applicant line is right now."
  18. Original production Zu Mobius.
  19. 30 yard bolt of 54 inch wide 18 ounce commercial vinyl wallcovering
  20. Happy Birthday over here, too, Vinvcent! We're drining your presents!
  21. Congratulations. And I see we have the same interior decorator.
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