I'll go first: Pamprin is probably the greatest product since Kotex, far better than Midol!! And the greatest function and feature on the internet is the "search" function; find whatever you are looking for without bothering anyone!!
That would have to be several Ramsey Lewis Trio concerts at Knox College in the early 1970s. Much more involving and captivating than their recorded work.
So who have you always put alone on the end of your fucking heaviest show equipment crates? Decrepit, my ass. Pardon me while I throw that fucking candy-ass Beemer on top of you.
Spotted the address in a thread on HF this morning before it could be censored out, so I invited meself. Glad to be here. Always wondered where folks ran from St. Jude and the Moderator Mafia . . .
Happy Birthday Again, Tyll, you OLD reprobate. Had to drink and ride, didn't you? Too drunk to walk . . . Let's send that pix to the guy whose "baby" you're now riding.