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About kramer5150

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. SOLID!! thanks Gents. I'm not really reading anything negative at all about them, I'll definitely consider them in my search. thanks again
  2. So my little earmax is due for a re-tube, so thats why I posted about GE tubes. To further confuse matters, didn't GE do a LOT of off-shore re-branding? they never actually manufactured 100% of their product right?
  3. LOL, still rockin' the wood grados over here. I never really left, music listening is just a way of life I think... its always been my drug of choice. I just needed a break from HF, more than anything. Doin' allright though... kids are good, health is good, cholesterol + blood pressure are in check! LOL. thanks for the warm welcome.
  4. Thanks fellas for the warm re-entry welcome!! thanks mulveling. I'm slowly building up a dual-amp OTL setup around a modded earmax, darkvoice 337 and DT880-600. Still rockin' the Grados though with the PPA. I still strongly prefer the mid-level wood grados with solid-state amps. The GS-1 and ECSS being my favorite Grado amps. Most though still seem to prefer tube circuits. thanks again for the warm welcome and kind words.
  5. Hi tube gurus... so I'm www surfing for various "preamp" tubes and running into the usual trendy-hot flavors telefunken, mullard, brimar, amperex...etc. Some as much as $100-160 each from various NOS and used sellers. And then I see EVERYWHERE, an underlying seemingly abundant surplus of GE tubes going for a fraction of that, like $6-7 each. In general, then just how bad are GE tubes?... are they really "that" bad that people are literally giving them away? What have been your experiences with them and what amp, source or preamp are/were you using them in? thanks!!
  6. Yuri Testikoff... Russian War and Peace was originally supposed to be titled "War what is it Good for".... Ab-so-lutely nothin' HuH!!
  7. kramer5150


    HF1 -VS- RS1 IMHO the RS1 is brighter overall, and more aggressive in the upper mids. It has greater detail resolution and PRAT, but not because of its boosted highs. IMHO its a more dynamic driver... faster to react to signal input and faster to settle upon note decay. Its most apparent on ambiently recorded snare drum and kick drums. With mediocre sources PRAT differences are subtle, but still worth noting. As you scale up the supporting gear to sources and amps that are capable of revealing and amp-ing the differences it becomes very night & day.... IMHO The RS1 is more amp/source finicky, while the HF1 sounds groovy-fun with everything. The RS1 soundstage is superior to the HF1 too. The RS1 can come to near-IEM levels of closeness and "in the head" proximity to sounds. While it can space/throw out sounds out farther than the HF1. But as I said before its HIGHLY source / amp dependent. HF1s were $215 shipped from TTVJ... IIRC first time TTVJ customers got a $5 discount so my total came to $210. Currently they are going for ~$300-$350. FWIW I own both, bought them both new and sit here grovin to some Symphony-X on my HF1 plugged into a $30 Chinese ipod shuffle clone.
  8. Some pics from my archive!!! Christmas morning: Sssnifff!! Mmmm new Grado smell in a David Putty voice... "Gotta support the team" Alessandro action Team girl-Fi... get down and boogie!!
  9. Koss A250 Sr225 HD580
  10. My P/S caps are 220mFd electrolytics. My unterstanding is that the higher the value, the greater the storage capacity... increasing the amps bass performance. If so, what value should I stop at? I.E. How high is "too high"? Do cap brands really make a sonic difference? My power supply is two 9V cells, with virtual ground between the two 9V batteries.... Similar to the RA1, however the RA1 doesn't use electrolytic capacitors in its power scheme. Are the P/S caps even necessary in the above schematic?
  11. Is that a DIY? Where do I purchase one Bass is always welcome in my book. I just want to get the most out of the amp really. Thanks!!
  12. Relatively new around this forum, Ive lurked before but thats chnging now. Looking to OP amp roll my PPA. Its running with a 24V ELPAC. Would it benefit from a better P/S? What are some BASSY, open sounding OP amps for it? I have some OPA2107s, can those just drop in? thanks!! Garrett
  13. So... The tomahawk essentially amps the ipod line output with the same OP amp. Is there anything fundamentally wrong with that principle? Or is it more the fact that the guy is charging $250 for it? My dac uses an OPA2134 at the output stage. If I amp that with a 2134 Cmoy.... isn't that kind of the same thing? Garrett
  14. I dont think they are over rated... They are what they are... a good value and IMHO the best sounding headphone under $55. Garrett
  15. kramer in da house !!
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